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Author Topic: Roldem Exploration and Relief  (Read 196 times)


Roldem Exploration and Relief
« on: November 01, 2006, 07:55:31 pm »
[SIZE=24]Roldem Exploration and Relief Act[/SIZE]  
        [SIZE=16]In response to the general state of affairs In Roldem, and the joined concerns of many of my fellow Mistonians and adventurers I am proposing an expedition into the rarely traveled lands of Roldem, ending with a few days spent in the cities of Tibum, Rodez , etc. to lend a hand in the reconstruction and recreation of the cities into something better and more inhabitable then they are now.  We may explore any part of Roldem the journeyers see fit. As such this may be increasingly dangerous. However, the purpose of this trip is to help our fellow mortal beings. As such, all profit from this journey, be it in items or True, will be delivered directly to Roldem (Seeing as we will be spending some time there). If you have anything against sharing profit with those of more need than yourself, then this is not the trip for you.        This trip, while still in the making , and consisting widely of travel and exploration/discovery  throughout the lands of Roldem as we see fit at the time, will consist of a journey through Tibum and Rodez, for aid and constructional purposes, as well as aiding with some local affairs to keep ruffians out of the cities of Roldem (//We Will be completing the monk’s quest for any who have not yet done it//). The rest of this trip will remain up to the whims and decisions of the party as it is settled.            For this trip we will need a strong well adjusted party to cover the varying needs of the adventuring group as a whole. We will also need strong arms and quick minds to help with the care , and aid in the cities when the exploration comes to a close. Once again I warn you that this trip may be dangerous. Come on your own free will and come with the intention to help a kingdom get back on its feet.[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=16] [/SIZE]
  [SIZE=16]Please Sign your name, and profession/expertise here if interested. I will be gathering the names and deciding on the most well rounded party based on what I recieve. The time of the expedition will be decided from there.[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=16]Signed,  Rhynn Asantiani    //Date and Time will be decided once the party is set.     Party Limit set to Ten     Levels Set from 15-20//      [/SIZE]