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Author Topic: Huangjin Duck and the Art of Mourning  (Read 206 times)


Huangjin Duck and the Art of Mourning
« on: June 07, 2011, 12:30:10 am »
He's hungry.  Starving.  A rousing session of duck interrogation with Symphony followed by feline roast hot oil treatments, then Commander Stormhaven coming by to hear the song he's written for her, to remember her fallen love.  Then hours of chatting and recipe swapping until he's ready to eat the right half of his food stores.  The biscuit soup and the wet-bottom pot pie - he is going to try and bake those.

Their laughter and jokes have lifted his mood but he has one last thing to do before he goes in search of food.  He sits in the private living room of the Resident Halls with Bella in hand and he sings from memory; Daniella has the original sheet music and lyrics now.  But he knows the words by heart and he sings the song once again, this time for Chaynce.

Tea With Toran

Twas a blurry day for him
This man of whom I sing
He woke beneath a cherry tree
Raining down the blooms of spring

Reminders of embittered past
In pink and blushing white
He stood to take a look around
His eyes drawn to a warming light

Not too far, a minute's stroll
He set his feet to walking
Questions well he had a few
Hoped there would be someone talking

And stood in mute surprise
At the end of his brief journey
A man, a table set for two
Pie and cakes and pekoe tea

"Please sit - I've been expecting you"
That man said, gesturing
The tea did smell very good
His host's calm face was reassuring

"Who are you and where am I?"
The other man just chuckled
Human but with eyes aglow
Our man's knees shook and nearly buckled

A firm jaw line and gentle eyes
An ankh to cinch a sword-hung belt
Armor wrought in blue and gold
A face both stern and most heartfelt

Awe to shock to disbelief
Our man cried in a huff
"How dare you call me to you!
My love and father weren't enough?"

"I know it seems I took them,"
The man responded kindly
"You're here and I can explain
And hope that you'll not lash out blindly."

He was either dead or dreaming
He nearly stormed away
But something in those noble eyes
Convinced him to have a seat and stay

His host only nodded
Pouring tea into his cup
Settled back to speak
With chin in hand and eyebrow up

"About me taking those you love"
In a deep and steady voice
"I don't pluck souls casually
Your life's decisions make that choice

Why are you here with me?
I didn't cause your fall
You died a man of honor
Else you'd not have heard my call

My champion your love may be
A protector of the just
And you differ how, my boy
Mister Paladin of Earned Trust?"

The host's face softened then
Leaning forward earnest
"I've been watching you
I think some things need be addressed

Like the ones who begot you
You've tried to do what's right
A follower of virtues
With heart and soul as pure as a knight

Dying for those you love
In front of blade or fire or ice
You understand conviction
You understand harsh sacrifice

You've lived enough to learn
Humility and restraint
In love you've learned empathy
And how to share without complaint

I've watched you from above
As you cursed my name
In your most valorous moments
And yet I've loved you all the same

I understand your feelings
It's why you're here with me
I wanted us to clear the air
And I'm very glad we had this tea"

Our man was still as stone
As words rumbled by
Teacup in one trembling hand
Whiskers flecked with crumbs of pie

It took a bit before he spoke
In a calmer quiet tone
"I've been furious at you, you know
The way I thought you wrecked my home

The times you came between us
The family I've lost
The love that I gave up to you
It always seemed I bore the cost

A bitter pill to swallow
When all things point to you
It was easy to be angry...
But perhaps I need to think this through

And I might someday forgive
When I fully understand
Yet I wonder why you called me
Is there more that you have planned?"

Those wise old eyes glowed
At his guest's measured words
"You're smarter than you let on
There is more as you've inferred

I request a favor
It isn't much a chore
Stay and watch over her
Stay here and remain her protector."

With that our man's heart melted
At the job he'd been offered
The Wench may have yanked
But someone....better? caught the cord

Looking at his host
He shed one salty tear
"I'll stay and I'll keep watch, Ser
So she'll know that...I'm still here."

Bella's pebbled leather case clicks shut.  Muse, he's hungry.  To the kitchen...and some pie.  Yes.  Tonight, with the song he's written, it must be pie.

