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Author Topic: A Notice Goes Up...  (Read 105 times)


A Notice Goes Up...
« on: October 28, 2007, 04:25:06 pm »
Bards, Authors, and Talespinners...

A challenge has been issued.  Meet at the Stormcrest Crossroads at this date *a date is specified*, and bring your most frightening "true" story of ghosts, demons, and curses most foul across the face of Layonara.

The story which wins the greatest acclamation from your peers will be awarded the princely sum of five thousand true.

So come armed with naught but tales that excite the blood and leave the listeners shying away from every shadow, torch in hand.

Ellanwyll Anilcalatyellam, Bard of Renown.

// Sorry for the short notice.  I meant to post this earlier.

