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Author Topic: A mysterious note appears  (Read 229 times)


A mysterious note appears
« on: November 27, 2006, 02:10:53 am »
*he walks into the freelancers, unseen, sticking to the shadows and wearily puts up a note*

"To those who don't know. Ash Willo is dead. I took her body to the Folian Temple, her last wish as she lay breathing her final breath in my arms was to be buried by Glenn. My her soul find peace and happiness"

*In shaky handwriting it is signed. Nepp'akyo Da'Ladium*

*slowly, ignoring all around him he slips unseen back out*


RE: A mysterious note appears
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2006, 03:56:47 am »
*Honora pauses in front of the Freelancers on her way back from gathering.  She stares, re-reading the paragraph several times as if the words would change the second or third time she looked*

Ash...ya were always too wild girl...them kids!  I hope Nepp's got 'em, or Exodus.  I'd right better check.  Who's gonna tell 'em?  And now another friend gone.  Wonder iffn anyone knows Dust ta tell 'er.

*She trots back the other way to make the trip through Karthy to Lorindar, and find Exodus*


Re: A mysterious note appears
« Reply #2 on: November 27, 2006, 11:45:47 am »
*Wren enters the Freelancer planning to tell a tale to the children, he stops by the postings to see what new news there is. He pauses on Nepp's note. A visible shudder passes through his body. He takes a seat in a far corner and orders a bottle of gin. After drinking half of the gin he takes out a dagger and a cloth. He soaks the cloth in gin and then cuts a deep gash across the lower part of the scar that runs down his right cheek (from eye to jaw). He then presses the gin soaked cloth into it. As blood soaks the cloth and runs down his cheek he says*
Now they hunt together with the Great Wolf as it should be. When I find him I will see them again *and he grins*


Re: A mysterious note appears
« Reply #3 on: November 27, 2006, 03:53:45 pm »
*straightening the papers and sifting through the old notes to be taken down, Lee pauses with her hand over this note only really reading the few words that caught her attention. Her half smile slips from her face. She scrawls out a note and slips into the guild hall to leave it for it's intended before stepping stoicly through the portal on her way to Foilan's Temple.*

