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Author Topic: The Wicked End  (Read 114 times)


The Wicked End
« on: May 27, 2006, 11:06:15 pm »
[SIZE=24]It's whispered from drunk, to tainted, to hero, to scholar, to villain, to friend... The Norseman is dead. And he's not coming back.   They tell of trolls and evil magic and the fearsome blade still gripped in the dead mercenary’s hand.  Mention of offspring, orphans, and the death of a Demon Card Prince.  His bellowing laugh will be heard no more. The Son of Leilon is dead. [/SIZE]


RE: The Wicked End
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2006, 04:44:29 am »
As he prays over another of his fallen companions body Jin he searches for the soul and finds it.  Soon the ranger Armolas is returned the the planes of the living.  However he feels another soul pass by, one with the death of thousands on his blade.  Could it be?  'The Slayer' has been slain?  The sounds of battle fill Jin's ears.  The undead are all around, not time to wonder what that feeling was.  Jin stands and returns to the fray hands and feet awhorl.

"The slayer, slain?" He mutters to himself.


