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Author Topic: Spider attacks in the Wolfswood!  (Read 99 times)


Spider attacks in the Wolfswood!
« on: February 22, 2008, 05:17:59 pm »
Rumours are starting to emerge from both the Sun and Erilyn Kingdoms that share part dominion of the Wolfswood Forest of increased spider activity through the forest itself.

When asked directly about the increased activity of the rangers and druids within the forest in particular the Wolfswood Rangers they are strangely close lipped with the only comment being that 'several reports are being currently investigated' but nothing more than that.

The Rangers also seem to have no comment on the fact that rumours suggest one of their elite Captains was seriously wounded by a huge spider and several others killed.

This reporter has personally witnessed the attack of a spider the size of a small horse on a cow belonging to a farmer whose lands border a portion of the Wolfswood near Spear lake. The Rangers claim such spiders have always been part of the forest but from what I saw I'd say we have cause for concern.

Hirtus Frogmouth, reporter for the Mariners Journal.

