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Author Topic: To those Loyal to Pranzis  (Read 193 times)


To those Loyal to Pranzis
« on: June 27, 2006, 08:01:58 am »
*A lengthy parchment is tacked to the Lancer's message board by Goldwin Blacknight, while a letter, adressed simply "To the 'Lancers" is left on the counter. The script of the parchment on the wall is in an angular, elegant Common that is easily recognized by those who have seen it before, and it bears a message of hope, and grim determination.*

People of Layonara!

The walls of Pranzis have fallen, her people slain or bowed low to take orders from her invader!

Yet the spirit of Pranzis, of Dregar, of all of Layonara still stands!

As you read this, plans are being written to overthrow this invader, to cut off the head of this foul wyrm Broegar. The idea of Varka, madly brave ranger and dwarf, shall not go to waste; Broegar's own corpse will fall to the city streets in a rain of fire and mortar!

The time is not yet; while the head will be severed, the body still has claws. The forces of Bloodstone, demons and evil dwarves under Broegar's command, will not give up easily! We must gather our forces to destroy this threat! The deurgar are strong; the winged she-demons, mighty. We must have those powerful enough to turn them aside!

Gather in Lorindar... Gather in Hurm... Gather in Saudria...

And send word to the Merchant of Pranzis... Hirum.

All will be realized in time.