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Author Topic: Whip of the Gods  (Read 89 times)


Whip of the Gods
« on: March 21, 2007, 07:01:41 pm »
Millenia ago, when the world was young, the foul and rancorous God Corath first stalked the lands of Layonara. In his passing, crops withered, babes grew sick, malcontent roiled where there was previously harmony and peace. All who felt the presence of the Black Sun knew evil and hate deified and chaos and discord were rife.

In these early days, prior to the establishment of law and order that we enjoy today, dark souled individuals, ever obsequiously ambitious, sought the favour of the Mad One. It is rumoured an assembly of damnable men and women (mayhaps eventually becoming the first Dread Priests and Priestesses of Corath), through means deceitful and deceptive, obtained and offered as sacrifice to the Black Sun one hundred virgins of noble birth.

It is remembered in ancient histories best left forgotten that Corath, pleased with this offering, took a hell-forged whip from his side and flayed the multitude of victims in an orgy of unspeakable horror that taints the land to this very day.

What became of this whip, this instrument of overwhelming evil, was lost in the passage of the years that followed. Over time, there were rumours of it surfacing in lands near and far and whenever it did chaos, war and pestilence followed.

Eventually, through a sequence of events of fantastic chance, this whip has come into my possession. My first thoughts were to take it straight to a temple of Aeridin, Rofirein or Toran so that the whip might never again fall into the hands of evil-doers. I am a lover of peace and the thought of this filled me with dread.

Then, I remembered the realities of the world in which we live, the children going hungry, the multitude of orphans, the sick, the needy, the poor huddled masses. As I stood on the docks of Hempstead, tears in my eyes, watching a beggar, a boy child, no older than eight or nine, I had an epiphany. I would sell this whip, hopefully to a cashed-up crusader or good and light and use the money to help these unfortunate souls.

Though it initially seemed at odds with my altruistic heart, I decided it must be the best course of action.

And so, I offer for sale, the Whip of The Black Sun. Starting bid, whatever one might think is reasonable to keep this in the 'right' hands.

Arkolio de'Averlain

// Whip +2
Bonus Feat: Disarm
On Hit: Flaming Weapon properties (Level 10)
Lens Price: 242,440 true
Min Level: Either 24 (by Lens) or 29 (by Description)


Re: Whip of the Gods
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2007, 01:32:03 am »
Written on a separate piece of parchment beneath the initial advertisement.

“Dear Lord Arkolio

Being eternally fascinated with ancients relics and the like and really not caring much about the supposed reputations they carry. I will pay two hundred and forty thousand gold, no less, no more. Should what you offer be what you speak of I would gladly pay to see to it that no treasure of Coraths ever finds its way back to his disciples. Although I know of no record of any such item, I cannot say I know of every relic that ever was. On the other hand if you should be fabricating a story to try and drive up the price and have a lesser item be quarreled over for bids. I’ll have to have some reason to keep my mouth shut about it.



Re: Whip of the Gods
« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2007, 01:58:17 am »
*Alandric notices the advetisement and reads it with keen interest.  Once he spots arkolios sicgnature he scratches his head mumbles quietly to himself.*

"I can't believe he didn't let me know about this earlier.  The fool already sells me poisons yet doesn't think to offer me something far more prestigious.  This is something that the Priestess would no doubt find appealing.  Perhaps she can afford it or we'll simply take it from him."  *He grins to himself* "He plays a dangerous game Arkolio. Profiteering is pointless if dead."

*He waves his hand enchanting a spell of haste followed by invisibility and disappears from sight*


Re: Whip of the Gods
« Reply #3 on: March 22, 2007, 09:51:40 am »
Dear Ozymandias,

I had originally thought this whip of legend safest in a well-guarded temple vault rather than in the possession of an aged elven miscreant of uncertain health ... yet, your offer would do much to alleviate suffering of the needy and so, I must consider it.

I have evidence of the weapons origins that would satisfy the most discerning and cynical buyer that my statement is nought but irrefutable truth.

In these dark times, where might I find you? I will search the orphanages, the refuges, the havens for the sick and the poor ... or failing that, the fountain of Hempstead.

Humbly yours,
Arkolio de'Averlain


Re: Whip of the Gods
« Reply #4 on: March 23, 2007, 03:22:07 am »
Dear Ozymandias,

As you have stated your offer to be final at two hundred and forty thousand true I am afraid I must inform you have been unsuccessful in procuring this item afterall. I will most assuredly advise you if any more such artifacts come into my possession that may appeal to your historical or scholarly curiosity.

Thank you for registering your interest.

Arkolio de'Averlain

PS. My mother always said a spoonful of honey and lemon was a good remedy for a nasty cough. You might want to give it a try?


Re: Whip of the Gods
« Reply #5 on: November 07, 2007, 02:32:39 pm »
*This note, once buried under countless others of varying price, and torn in several places, is brought back to the front of the boards. At the bottom is added another few short lines.*

I have come into possession of this whip. Whether it is truly an instrument of Corath or not, it is a fearsome and awe-inspiring weapon. The heat of the lash literally burns the air.

Leave notice here with your name, or alternate means of contact.

*The notice is unsigned.*

