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Author Topic: *A 6'11'' Human is seen hammering a note with his old helmet*  (Read 226 times)

*A 6'11'' Human is seen hammering a note with his old helmet*
« on: September 10, 2010, 10:41:36 am »
Not only do I have to run hundred of miles, pay hundred of true, but now I'm told that my helmet will be held until I provide a Oak short bow that the vendors in the towns don't even sell?


 So.. after hundreds spent, and hundred of miles ran. I'm force to buy a Oak short bow.


 Any one has one for sale?

*A 6'11'' Human is seen hammering a note with his old helmet*
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2010, 12:51:41 pm »
*This tall human is seen running out of the Angels shop and dashes out of the city. Stopping to talk to a goblin outside of the walls, then dashes off in the distance.*