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Author Topic: Seeking cloaks  (Read 62 times)


Seeking cloaks
« on: September 16, 2009, 01:34:19 pm »
I am seeking information or actual cloaks of the following specifications.

A cloak that has protection against blunt weapons //bludgeon resistance// and other magics.  Anything superior to Johan's Cloak.  I hope I got the correct one, the cloak that is only effective against blunt weapons.

Or a cloak with other more powerful enhancements, especially in the physical side.  Cloaks that make you stronger, more endurant, quicker, or smarter.  All other abilites are a plus.  Actual physical protection is not of concern. //AC bonus//

Thank you for any information or proposal's for sale.

~Aerimor Lightbringer.