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Author Topic: Mithril Trinkets  (Read 153 times)


Mithril Trinkets
« on: February 15, 2007, 08:08:37 am »
*Jade goes through her storage room to do a little house cleaning*

*picks out a mithril mace and mithril halberd and says to herself*

"Hmm, forgot about these. I should see if anyone can put them to good use."

*puts mace and halberd aside*

// not sure what these things might go for, so if you want one tell me a fair price.
// these are +3 weapons with a level 15 requirement.


Re: Mithril Trinkets
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2007, 09:02:35 am »
Should none of the adventuring crowd be intereted in your treasures, the mitril from such weapons would be of great boon in True if sold on the open markets of Layonara and the subsequent true used to purchase food, clothing and building materials for those in need.  Please consider donating such weapons to a charity should no one be interested in purchasing them.


Re: Mithril Trinkets
« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2007, 08:28:18 pm »
I have someone interested in the halberd, but I would gladly donate the mace. Any suggestions?


Re: Mithril Trinkets
« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2007, 05:45:01 am »
There  are donation crates set up in the Freelancer's Tavern and in the foyer of 108 Hlint.  If you would rather deliver directly into the hands of a director, then please give it to Jennara, Katrien, Jharl or Kobal.  Donations of any item (though ususally food, clothing and supplies are prefered) go toward the efforts to relieve the famine and strife that is occuring across this land in response to the blacken skies