The World of Layonara

In-Character Forums => Trade and Market Hall => Topic started by: Pseudonym on January 26, 2007, 04:15:57 pm

Title: Aeridinite-friendly non-lethal battle accoutrements here!
Post by: Pseudonym on January 26, 2007, 04:15:57 pm
Servant of the Lifegiver?
Hate shedding blood as much as I do?
Wouldn't it be better if someone devised an alchemical solution that weakened those foes that we couldn't persuade with gentle words to put aside their evil ways?

Friends, look no further!

Arkolio, lover of peace, has been hard at work!

I have, currently in stock, a number of solutions that may be placed on your weapon (yes, it pains me to use the 'w' word) that will weaken an opponent. Long have I wrestled with the morality of using such distillations in unavoidable combat but, after talking with priests and priestesses of the Lifegiver, now believe I have no choice but to offer this service. These solutions, in the sad event of dreaded battle, will weaken an opponent, hopefully to such a extent where they retire from the fray before one is forced into the tragedy of ending their life.

Surely a few true is not too great a price to pay for furthering the work of the Lord of Light?

Do your part, help prevent avoidable death and seek Arkolio de'Averlain in Hlint and surrounds.
Title: Re: Aeridinite-friendly non-lethal battle accoutrements here!
Post by: Stephen_Zuckerman on January 26, 2007, 05:15:14 pm
Poison is poison; I agree with the thought behind it, but don't spin words to twist people's morality

*The note is unsigned.*
Title: Re: Aeridinite-friendly non-lethal battle accoutrements here!
Post by: Pseudonym on January 26, 2007, 08:57:23 pm

Anonymity, the tool of the craven. I am willing to stand up for what is right and talk about and promote the great good that can be derived from usage of these solutions. Solutions, toxins, venoms, poisons, call them what you will - people's morality is determined by the truth they perceive within their own soul. I cannot, nor would even try, to change this fundamental core understanding of right and wrong that guides those that profess to love peace. My product works and is decidedly less lethal than a battleaxe, crossbow or mace.
Title: RE: Aeridinite-friendly non-lethal battle accoutrements here!
Post by: Hellblazer on January 26, 2007, 09:16:00 pm
The word of the life giver is to respect all life, to not harm or kill aimlessly, using the poison as an excuse is only promoting the possiblity for more violence.
Title: Re: Aeridinite-friendly non-lethal battle accoutrements here!
Post by: Weeblie on January 27, 2007, 04:33:01 am
Had you truly spoken with a priest or priestess of the Lifegiver, you would have been aware of that Aeridin is also standing for promotion of health and not only "make people stay alive".

Herbs used for curing all sort of illnesses are usually a sort of poison by themselves. A too high dose of some of them can be as deadly as a sword through one's heart.

It's the way they are used that gives them the "poison" or the "antidote" stamps on them.

Your note have a sarcastic tone in it and surely doesn't follow the spirit of the teaching of Aeridin.

Title: Re: Aeridinite-friendly non-lethal battle accoutrements here!
Post by: Pseudonym on January 28, 2007, 02:33:21 am
Dear Miss Alleina,

Beware the sins of pride and arrogance.

Yours is but one interpretation of the Lore of the Lifegiver. I have another. I am not so arrogant as to seek to impose my will on others nor believe that my view is beyond interpretative challenge, mayhaps you should be mindful of the same.

My studies of the word of Aeridin surround the ways and means of best serving the continuation of the Great Cycle. I believe that, though not ideal, a carefully measured dose[/b] of distilled toxin that induces a debilitating nausea in a foe during unavoidable combat[/b] is not nearly as disruptive of the cycle as a sword through their heart! Maybe you have been purchasing your distillations from a less careful distributor of such than myself?

As to your accusation of sarcasm? My understanding of the word denotes a form of address that is marked by the use of language intended to make a victim the butt of contempt or ridicule. I am perplexed as to how I am guilty of such a charge nor how a written note has a 'tone? Mayhaps you should re-read my original advertisement with a less cynical and world-weary eye? Additionally, your aspersions on my character and intentions may be a little more cutting if they didn't come from a member of one of the largest purveyors of weaponry on Mistone!

Arkolio de'Averlain

PS. Don't forget to ask about my crazy, low, low prices!
Title: Re: Aeridinite-friendly non-lethal battle accoutrements here!
Post by: Eight-Bit on January 28, 2007, 09:38:55 am
This is a delicate subject to write about, espically in a public manner. Poison is, and always shall be, a taboo subject in the civilized world. It is a toxin, and one that opon entering the body is able to cause horrific malady and a slow and suffering death.

There are people out there whose intentions are not as apparantly noble as your's, and will quite frankly take advantage of your offer. Inexpensive and availiable poions? The very people I toil day in and out to keep from entering Hlint thrive on just such weapons. I say weapons, yes, in the most literal of senses. Poison is a weapon, as much so as the dagger that is coated by it, and sole intention is to harm those who are introduced to it.

I will be watching you now, but do not be afraid, it is for your own saftey. As you are in Hlint you can now expect dangers from both sides - the citizens and those who would use your poisons for nefarious deeds. You have unintentionally placed yourself into great danger and I can only hope and pray that you will cease to offer such things. The blood is as much on the hands of the extractor as it is on the murderer's in my eyes.

Matilda Jenice Landsend,
Protector of the Weave,
Guard of Hlint.
Title: Re: Aeridinite-friendly non-lethal battle accoutrements here!
Post by: Weeblie on January 28, 2007, 11:34:17 am
Dear Arkolio de'Averlain,

You are of course free to read the Words of Aeridin in whatever way you wish to, but knowest that your current view isn’t representative for His church. I feel it is my duty as one of His priestesses to correct people who twist His words so that the original intention set forth by Him risks getting lost.

The message of a note is communicated not only by the words themselves, but also the choice and placement of the exact words. A simple thing like a phrase of greeting can be written in uncountable different ways, all of them having their own “feel”. It is important to, as some people call it, read between the lines to get the “tone” of a note.

I first found it very peculiar how it comes that you made no attempt to hide the one in yours, as I believe by the time of fastening your note, you were all aware of that some of His followers surely would respond to it. But after reading your question about the “tone”, it is obvious that either you truly can’t feel it or, more probable, that you are actually not making any real effort to sell anything, but rather to have some “fun”.

The more I think about it, the more I believe my last conclusion is right. A simple word to refresh your memory of a previous event: “Bear”

I’m not proud of that the Trade Company is selling weapons, and if it was my decision alone, I surely would drop that particular part. Often my view differs completely from the ones of the other members, which is rather understandable. But I remain as a member, as I believe even though my influence of the affairs is very limited, it is better than nothing at all.

Lastly, I kindly ask you to differ between following His teachings in a way of your own and takings parts of His teachings out of contest for a greater personal gain.


// *Laughs.* This market-thread has turned to a more theological discussion than an attempt to get something sold! Should be in one of the Inn-forums instead! ;)
Title: Re: Aeridinite-friendly non-lethal battle accoutrements here!
Post by: Pseudonym on January 28, 2007, 04:18:00 pm

Matilda & Alleina,

I understand and empathise with your valid concerns. I do understand that in the past, sadly, those who have conducted a similar service to that which I offer have had evil and immoral intent. Please believe that I intend to conform to a conduct accepted and established as consistent with principles of community-wide and social ethics. I try not to judge someone by another's actions.

It is true that some venoms may be distilled with a degree of toxicity that could potentially be lethal. The thought of such falling into the hands of those nefarious types that you endeavour to keep out of Hlint fills me with dread. I will be wary of anyone attempting to purchase such virulent distillations (that I most diligently avoid) from me and report them to your vigilant attention most promptly.

It is my sincere hope that you can look beyond unfair generalisations brought about by past experience and treat those that seek to promote this less lethal recourse in times of danger a modicum of respect and understanding.

Matilda, I am truly touched by your concerns for my well-being. I am comforted by my certainty that those possessed of pure heart are looked upon favourably by the Gods and attempted harm to their personage may well be ... harmful to those that approach with aggressive intent.

Arkolio de'Averlain

// *giggles* Hey, what's the expression about any publicity being good publicity!??! The more someone responds, thus dragging Ark's advert to the front of the noticeboard, the greater the number of people that see it!
Title: Re: Aeridinite-friendly non-lethal battle accoutrements here!
Post by: Stephen_Zuckerman on January 28, 2007, 05:59:56 pm
*In the same distinctive, angular hand as before...*

The more common poisons aren't meant to be lethal, merely to make a given target weaker or more frail, so that they are easier to kill through conventional means. Rarely will a thoroughly-weakened goblin, for example, turn tail and run. Or an ogre. Or an orc. The list goes on.

I do not oppose poison use in general; it is merely another weapon to use. But never mistake that it is a weapon as surely as a morningstar or longsword.

The gods may watch over some, but those good people who are smiled upon merely for being good are few enough and far enough between that you are more likely to be eaten by a Baalor in Hlint than be saved from an angry mob by the grace of some deity.

I grow tired of finding these advertisements.
Title: Re: Aeridinite-friendly non-lethal battle accoutrements here!
Post by: Pseudonym on January 28, 2007, 07:20:44 pm

Dear Sir/Madam,

I have read the notes left me from Matilda and Alleina and believe they were written from a perspective of love and caring that seeks to inform my potential customers of differing viewpoints on the morality of using my products. As such, I hope I have been able to receive and respond to their words with due consideration and respect.

As to yourself ... forgive me but I fail to see if you had a point, question, statement or other reason to deface my advertisement. I am reminded of a child who so desperately wants to contribute to the converse of adults. They jump up and down and shout 'look at me, look at me!' and when the grown-ups do finally look, it is but to realise that it was only the nonsensical ramblings of a child that were being offered anyway.

My mother, a wise woman, once said, 'Ark, it's so simple to be wise. Just think of something stupid to say and then don't say it.' Maybe you should meet her.
Title: Re: Aeridinite-friendly non-lethal battle accoutrements here!
Post by: Stephen_Zuckerman on January 29, 2007, 03:08:22 am
*Once again, Pyyran begins to pen a note... But then shakes his head, a wry chuckle springing from his lips, and removes the whole string of replies, and the original advertisement. In the ad's place, he leaves a somewhat-small note.*

Arkolio de'Averlain:

If I merely wanted to deface advertisements for poison, I could scribble the symbol of Toran over it, and watch what happened.

You'll find that any further notices of that kind will have trouble staying attached to the board.

Again, it is unsigned, but to those who know the hand, it is rather obvious who penned the note.
Title: Re: Aeridinite-friendly non-lethal battle accoutrements here!
Post by: Pseudonym on January 29, 2007, 12:53:17 pm

*Indignantly, Ark seeks approval from the local authorities (// L) before reattaching the original advertisement*

// Stephen, no 'forced-emotes' of removing someone else's advertisement please.
Title: Re: Aeridinite-friendly non-lethal battle accoutrements here!
Post by: Stephen_Zuckerman on January 29, 2007, 01:58:46 pm
//How can someone stop a character from tearing down a paper when they're not around? If Ark's willing to stake it out, and actually approach him as he does so, by all means, but when there's noone to stop him... Och.//

*On a late-night visit to the boards, laden with freshly-brewed drinks, Pyyran finds the new advertisement, and tears that one, too, down.*
Title: Re: Aeridinite-friendly non-lethal battle accoutrements here!
Post by: Laldiien on January 29, 2007, 03:01:03 pm
//OOC Edited. I have no stake in this and as such should not wiggle my opinion where they are not solicitied.
Title: Re: Aeridinite-friendly non-lethal battle accoutrements here!
Post by: Pseudonym on January 29, 2007, 04:06:15 pm
*With a sigh, Arkolio re-attaches original notice and pens a small addition*

The powers that be (// Leanthar) have forbidden unauthorised removal of this notice. Freedom of speech is still a right enjoyed by the citizens who make use of this hall.

*A guard whose massive thews and unparalleled martial skills are matched only by his capacity for ever-vigilant watchfulness maintains a wary eye for further attempts to remove this notice*
Title: Re: Aeridinite-friendly non-lethal battle accoutrements here!
Post by: osxmallard on January 29, 2007, 07:43:30 pm
I'll take what you have in stock.  I will find you.

*signed with an L*

Title: RE: Aeridinite-friendly non-lethal battle accoutrements here!
Post by: Hellblazer on January 30, 2007, 06:13:13 am
"In a rather eloquent writing but not overzealous"
  As I have said before, promoting poisons is promoting an increase of violence.
  Please remember this Phrase that bears in mind the teaching and what you are trying to distort.
  Do not harm or kill others except in the most dire of circumstances.
  In this do not Harm includes making someone sick.
    It is a shame when the teaching of the great circle and of the giver of life is twisted in a manner soly to make profit. The weapons of choice given to us by our Lord are quite clear. Please refrain from using our Lords name, and the teaching of our Lord, without the church consent as you are not a member there for not authorised to speak in the name of Aeridin.
    Lex'or Gravedigger  Cleric or Aeridin
Title: Re: Aeridinite-friendly non-lethal battle accoutrements here!
Post by: Pseudonym on January 30, 2007, 02:37:02 pm
Dear Lex'or Gravedigger,

Firstly, is that your real surname? I believe there are agencies where you may have this unfortunate appellation officially changed ... it's just that I imagine having a surname of Gravedigger somewhat limits you in your choice of career paths? Just a thought.

Secondly, I think you misunderstand my intentions. Violence is wrong. Combat is an affront to the teachings of Aeridin. This is known and beyond argument. Please believe it is not my intent to distort these teachings for personal gain. As you must know, wealth is such an ephemeral goal and a pale reflection of all that is of true importance in a man's life.

The truth is this. Violence is often unavoidable. The dire circumstance to which you refer is an all too regular occurrance. When it happens, when no other recourse is available, my products may be used to bring about a non-lethal outcome. Surely that is your ... my ... all lovers of peace ... surely that must be our preference?

I hope and pray that you close not your heart and soul to this alternative nor further seek to prohibit interpretations of Aeidin's dogma that may differ to your own. Myself, I like to think that by saving someone's life we offer them a chance to allow the light of Aeridin into their hearts. Rehabilitation. Redemption. Forgiveness. It is hard to offer these things to a corpse.

Arkolio de'Averlain

PS. Toranites! To those who profess to be true servants of the The All Watching. The Great Leader tells us to Seek out the servants of evil, most notably those who follow Corath and Pyrtechon. These unholy abominations, these servants of the Dark Gods, these affronts to all that is good and righteous are just as susceptible to my distillations as anyone else! Keep it in my mind when next you journey bringing the light of Toran into the darkness!
Title: Re: Aeridinite-friendly non-lethal battle accoutrements here!
Post by: Eight-Bit on January 30, 2007, 03:23:42 pm
I must say here and now, Arkolio, that you have crossed a thin and certain line. It is quite obvious that you have not experienced the very toxins that you peddle. I can only pray you live a life free of the pain you contain in a vile. This web of words you've spun only lets me see deeper into the true person behind the parchment. I now hold a great distrust of you and you shall be under my examination while in Hlint. We are a peaceful town, and we do not want such undesireable things to be brought into our streets. I shall ask now that you cease to sell poisons, as I shall be bringing this topic to the Temples of Deliar and Rofirein. I do not believe in any way that this should continue.

The Lady look upon you with more forgiveness than I can muster, Arkolio.

Matilda Jenice Landsend
Title: Re: Aeridinite-friendly non-lethal battle accoutrements here!
Post by: Pseudonym on January 30, 2007, 05:03:01 pm

Indeed it was my own experiences in feeling the debilitating effects of these toxins that prompted my research into refining them for the usage of furthering the cause of 'good' as opposed to it's historical use as a tool of 'evil'. I remember I was overcome with a great lethargy and the strength in my arms fled quicker than any rogue. It was my own personal experience of such that was the impetus for my thoughts on how such a tool might be used to potential benefit as well as to harm.

Please know I have spoken to Captain Tarradon Duvall, Paladin and Umbra of the Knights of Rofirien about the legality of my wares. Whilst he has expressed grave concerns about the morality of such things he has confirmed that under common law, as it exists at this point in time, I am NOT breaching any legal boundaries. Mayhaps you should ACTUALLY speak to those you profess to represent before you start trying to enforce laws that don't actually exist.

Arkolio de'Averlain

PS. The Lady look upon me with forgiveness? The ladies tend to look upon me with a great deal of forgiveness.
Title: RE: Aeridinite-friendly non-lethal battle accoutrements here!
Post by: Hellblazer on January 30, 2007, 07:57:44 pm
My last name is my birth name and in no way will I change it.
    As to A non-Lethal ways, the word of the life giver state to not harm, hence harming is not necessarily lethal but still you are trying to promote a product that is clearly against the principles and words of Aeridin, using his name as a sell speech. This is despicable tactics of sales.
    In no way shall I give you my support to further Tarnish the will and name of Aeridin, and I will call all my brethren to do the same. If a petition to the local authorities has to be made, I will seek the guidance and approval of the highest in the clergy and such will be done with their consent. But this blasphemy shall stop.
    Lex'or Gravedigger (and proud to bear the name of my father and for fathers)   Cleric of Aeridin
Title: Re: Aeridinite-friendly non-lethal battle accoutrements here!
Post by: Pseudonym on January 30, 2007, 08:56:33 pm


I hope you were not offended about the name suggestion, it was just an idea. I was only trying to be helpful. It's just that certain names channel children into certain careers. Name your kid Jeeves or Alfred and there is a fair chance they are going to become a butler, yes? Name your new baby boy Bubba and there is quite a strong likelihood that whilst he will probably grow up to be a very large man he will also end up in the maximum security facility in Fort Velensk.

I cannot understand why you are unable to see the shades of grey in this matter. From my original advertisement I stressed that my products should only be used in unavoidable circumstances. I am not arguing that an opponent who is affected will not feel nauseated and debilitated and weakened. They will be. However, hopefully now there will be a possibilty that a life will not have to be brought to an end as being the only outcome for the UNAVOIDABLE hostilities.

Arkolio de'Averlain
Title: RE: Aeridinite-friendly non-lethal battle accoutrements here!
Post by: Hellblazer on February 01, 2007, 09:05:45 am
  Not only are you prophaning the words and teaching of Aeridin, but you are also doing so to my fathers and forfathers name that they all have hold dear to them since the very begining of our village.
  Poison is poison, and as long as it is against the will of Aeridin to do harm, you will not get support from me.
  Lex'or Gravedigger.
Title: Re: Aeridinite-friendly non-lethal battle accoutrements here!
Post by: Polak76 on February 01, 2007, 03:13:05 pm
*Alandric enters the trade hall shrouded under the illusion of invisibility.  It is an hour past midnight and he scours the room to ensure no one is scrying.  From within his robes he tacs a note to the board and swiftly disappears into the cool darkness outside.*

*On a black parchment with elegant flowing golden ink the note reads...*


Do no waste your valuable time assessing the ethics of poisons with feeble minded individuals whom lack the intelligence or foresight to perceive the merit of your actions.  This time wasted reduces your productivty and productivity is essential for good business.

Your valuable efforts have not gone unnoticed and with that I would like to arrange a meeting where we may negotiate a contract.  You will be hansomly rewarded and encouraged to continue your good work for greater organisations.

Cease this endless debate and leave these boards for those whom wish to sell lesser-goods.  Ignore the threats from these self-righteous individuals whom natter endlessley of forceful actions yet cower behind the corrupt laws set by their superiours.  These are only a weak handful whose time would best be served debating the weather as opposed to comprehending topics exceedingly vast for thier frail intellects.

I will find you when I am sure you are alone to discuss this further.

**the note is left unsigned**
Title: Re: Aeridinite-friendly non-lethal battle accoutrements here!
Post by: Pseudonym on February 01, 2007, 06:57:43 pm

Dear Sirs/Madams who have expressed interest in my products of peace,

As long as I am satisfied that your intentions are noble and your hearts pure, concepts that I hold so very dear and near to my heart, I will be most pleased to transact at earliest possible convenience.

Dear Lex'or Gravedigger,

It saddens me that I must proceed with my transacations without the blessings of one minor acolyte of Aeridin, however, I will continue on my explorations of alternative avenues to serving the Great Cycle regardless. Just out of curiosity, did you really have five fathers? It explains a lot.

Arkolio de'Averlain
Title: Re: Aeridinite-friendly non-lethal battle accoutrements here!
Post by: Pseudonym on March 15, 2007, 11:15:02 pm
*Heavily cowled in a pure white robe adorned with a golden oak-leaf motif, Arkolio enters the trade and market hall and repositions this notice.He pens a small addition to the bottom.*

My distillations are still available for immediate purchase and delivery. Peace be upon all men, women and children in these dark times.
Title: Re: Aeridinite-friendly non-lethal battle accoutrements here!
Post by: Pseudonym on May 14, 2007, 10:27:38 pm
*readjusts the multiple sheets of parchment that comprise his original notice and the slew of replies to the front of the board*
Title: Re: Aeridinite-friendly non-lethal battle accoutrements here!
Post by: lonnarin on May 15, 2007, 02:33:28 pm
Bah, ye folks be scared little kittens pawing at a bowl of curdled milk.

Poisons ain't evil.  They ain't wrong neither.  I meself take great pride in helpin to train some of the best toxicologists the realm has to offer, among them Willy and Ozymandius.  I do so for various reasons...

1) To unmake, one must learn to make:  How is somebody supposed to cure a poison that they know nothing about?  Ask one who abhores poisons and dares not dabble in them to cure a child who was bitten by a spider, and he'll just scratch his head and shrug to leave it to die.  Ask Willy on the other hand and ye'll not only have a chart listing the species, coloration and size of the spider, but also a quick recipe on how to devise an anti-toxin.  Now sure, some of ye faithful folk might say that your god can cure all ails... maybe so.  But think of the implications!  You say that your gods are good and just when they lift these poisons through faith, yet they knowingly deny their powers from those who don't offer prayer to them.  Are we then merely pawns in their great game of charity?  "Do as I say, or die?"  Not the kind of "goodly" gods I'd like to be following...  Dorand on the other hand says, if ye can make a cure, then go out there and MAKE IT YERSELF YE LAZY BUGGARTS!  None of this snivelling and ranting to tha sky gods... and in the rare case he does see fit to cure yer ails, it's usually so ye can carry more ore and keep working.  To make anti-toxins is not something ye kin just pull out of ye arse overnight, nay.  Tis an art that takes long hours into the night checking formulas, titrations and gestations.  Something the goodly folk couldn't begin to comprehend.

2) If it was wrong, there wouldn't be poison benches in the crafthall.  Excuse me lads, be any of ye local magistrates?  No?  I suppose then that I won't be arrested iffn I place me gland on this here table.  Oh look at that... perfectly legal.  So pike off with yer "holier than thou" and "law abiding" song and dance about the dark nature of poisoncraft.  Yer in Mistone, and ye don't have to do what the Mistonians do, but at least give them a break in yer preachings.

3) Resistance is gained through exposure to poison: There isn't a spider alive what kin send its venom to me heart; Queen, Sword n Bastard alike all kin gnaw on me till the end of days and I won't even get me a fever.  Only one great yellow snake from the eastern lands ever phased me in the past 2 decades, and its DEAD!  Since starting Willy's training, he's been supplying me with poisons of increasing strenght for this very purpose; building a resistance.  I can drink 50 bottles of Queen venom straight these days without anything more than a slight case of the runny poops, so it must be working pretty well.  Had poisoncraft been illegal and I had been unable to aquire access to such venoms, my resistance would be a stunted far cry from what it is today... and who would win in that scenario?  I tell you who, the lawless and honorless who don't care if something's illegal or not!  Putting a stygma on poisoncraft only allows those who don't care all the more power in A) being the only poisoncrafter in town and B) being the only one able to build a resistance.  I would suggest that many of the folks here who have issue with the good father be brigands themselves, fearful of their underhanded tactics being opposed.

4) Plenty of poisons exist which are entirely non-lethal.  Paralyzing agents, sleeping poisons, hells, some folk even call a sturdy ale "poison" since it affects ye.  The process of spiking a drink or shooting a needle into a criminal to have him plop to the ground in a heap is a heck of a lot less bloody and more humane than drawing your sword and making a heated conflict in the middle of town.  Sure, one can argue that some folk deserve such a brutal fate and need be put down, but what of the bystanders ye chop and the lanterns ye turn over to send fires spreading across the township?  Ever think of them?  What about the cost of the tavern owner replacing furniture and the children of the criminal?  A good stout mickey in a cup seems quite the alternative to the havok a "goodly" zealot would wreak.

5) Dorand blesses all who craft.  As a Defender of Dorand, any who stand in the way of this lad crafting will crush under me hammer.  In fact, Methinks I'll be helping train him now in his art in spite of and *because of* your poorly-concieved and insulting objections.  Ye stirred me ire, and rather than getting angry or violent bout it, I may as well get busy!  That's the most productive path, I'm thinkin.

That being said Arkolio, I fully support your trade and most importantly your right to craft.  Let not these self-righteous pagans sway ye on step from your learnings.  I'll start filling a few sacks or two of some extra potent glands for ye.  HAR!

-Bjornigar Ironguts
Title: Re: Aeridinite-friendly non-lethal battle accoutrements here!
Post by: Pseudonym on May 18, 2007, 12:46:06 am

Bless ye Bjornigar, Defender of the independent crafter!

Arkolio de'Averlain
Title: Re: Aeridinite-friendly non-lethal battle accoutrements here!
Post by: Odranoela on May 21, 2007, 05:44:42 pm
*small note is added*

Poison? Why didn't -I- think of that!!! I'll find ya...

*no name is signed*