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Author Topic: Angels Guild--Adventure Outfitters  (Read 135441 times)


Re: Angels Guild--Adventure Outfitters
« Reply #1020 on: November 05, 2020, 11:21:42 am »
To:  Mangus Crunch

Sir:  You may indeed continue fulfilling the glass as ordered to repay part of your debt, which currently stands at 18,390 trues.

The following users thanked this post: cbnicholson


Re: Angels Guild--Adventure Outfitters
« Reply #1021 on: November 07, 2020, 01:47:37 am »
A wood elf enters the Angels Store, and purchases a Swashbuckler's Belt.
He leaves the following note:

Hello, I've left 2500 True in the Belt chest. Thank you for the Swashbuckler's Belt.
I'd like a price on the Delador Amolitafur's Rapier. Please leave a note for me here. Thank you! ~Talien Duskwalker.
The following users thanked this post: Serissa


Re: Angels Guild--Adventure Outfitters
« Reply #1022 on: November 08, 2020, 08:16:40 pm »
Master Duskwalker,

  Delador Amolitafur's Rapier is 800 trues.  I will put it in the Special Orders Chest by the door to reserve it for you. 

The following users thanked this post: swoop, cbnicholson


Re: Angels Guild--Adventure Outfitters
« Reply #1023 on: November 11, 2020, 01:15:12 am »
Talien Duskwalker places 800 True in the Special Orders Chest and retrieves the unique rapier.
"just the ticket for gathering silk!"
The following users thanked this post: Serissa


Re: Angels Guild--Adventure Outfitters
« Reply #1024 on: November 13, 2020, 03:03:54 pm »
Lia Takes:

Adamantium Short Sword

Leaves 5000 in adamantium chest
The following users thanked this post: Serissa


Re: Angels Guild--Adventure Outfitters
« Reply #1025 on: December 09, 2020, 11:24:30 pm »
Belgar gazes longingly into the 'Miscellaneous and Sundry Jewelry' cabinet. He wonders what the price is for the 'Exceptional Phenalope Set in a Platinum Ring' as it seems not to be labeled. For a moment, he wonders if anyone would notice if he helped himself to it but thinks better of it and looks around for the shopkeep. 'Ullo? Anyone about th' place?'
« Last Edit: December 10, 2020, 03:49:45 am by eltalstroneves »
"By my mother's beard!"
Wanark Thangahaz'a
The following users thanked this post: Serissa, cbnicholson


Re: Angels Guild--Adventure Outfitters
« Reply #1026 on: December 10, 2020, 12:16:57 pm »
Belgar gazes longingly into the 'Miscellaneous and Sundry Jewelry' cabinet. He wonders what the price is for the 'Exceptional Phenalope Set in a Platinum Ring' as it seems not to be labeled. For a moment, he wonders if anyone would notice if he helped himself to it but thinks better of it and looks around for the shopkeep. 'Ullo? Anyone about th' place?'

A few moments pass before an elderly yet solid looking man in white robes with sky blue eyes steps into the store.  "A'nnur, Master Dwarf, do you need some assistance?  I am Daniel Poetr, one of the Angels Guild."  Daniel squints a bit at the case in front of Belgar.  "If you are wondering about prices, I believe phenalope in platinum, even one as well crafted as this is 1500 true.  Of course, our resident expert in such matters, Ferrit,  may think otherwise, but I will stand by that price."  He smiles, fingering a gold dragonhead medallion with an emerald eye.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde
The following users thanked this post: swoop, Serissa, eltalstroneves


Re: Angels Guild--Adventure Outfitters
« Reply #1027 on: December 11, 2020, 12:35:56 am »
The dwarf selects this ring from the case, and browses around the shop, also choosing an adamantium scimitar, and a lesser fire enchantment. He approaches the old man, raises an eybrow, and says in a questioning manner, "I understand there be a discount fer multiple purchases?" He doesn't wait for a reply, putting the discounted sum on the counter before bowing and departing swiftly.

Sometime later he returns, his gloves scorched and blackened. 'Err...' he stammers then sighs, 'I  has come t' realise that, havin applied the enchantment t' th' blade, it be now beyond me ability t' use.' He sighs again and continues. I'll hang on t' it though, fer it be a fine blade. In th' meantime, however, be thar someone in th' guild who can fashion me another adamantium scimitar *he raises a bushy eyebrow* fer a fair price?

//A dwarf's got to live and learn in this world  :-[
"By my mother's beard!"
Wanark Thangahaz'a
The following users thanked this post: cbnicholson, davidhoff


Re: Angels Guild--Adventure Outfitters
« Reply #1028 on: December 11, 2020, 09:36:29 am »
The dwarf selects this ring from the case, and browses around the shop, also choosing an adamantium scimitar, and a lesser fire enchantment. He approaches the old man, raises an eybrow, and says in a questioning manner, "I understand there be a discount fer multiple purchases?" He doesn't wait for a reply, putting the discounted sum on the counter before bowing and departing swiftly.

Sometime later he returns, his gloves scorched and blackened. 'Err...' he stammers then sighs, 'I  has come t' realise that, havin applied the enchantment t' th' blade, it be now beyond me ability t' use.' He sighs again and continues. I'll hang on t' it though, fer it be a fine blade. In th' meantime, however, be thar someone in th' guild who can fashion me another adamantium scimitar *he raises a bushy eyebrow* fer a fair price?

Nonplussed by the Dwarfs swift payment and departure, Daniel shows slight amusement at the return with his own raised eyebrow. "Certainly sir, I could extend a multiple purchase price to the second admantium scimitar, would that suffice?"
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Angels Guild--Adventure Outfitters
« Reply #1029 on: December 12, 2020, 01:35:53 am »
"Certainly sir, I could extend a multiple purchase price to the second admantium scimitar, would that suffice?"

'Aye, that it would. That it would. I'd like t' place an order fer a second, fine, adamantium thzialakazh den... Please.'

//Not sure if this is how to go about doing this, sorry.
"By my mother's beard!"
Wanark Thangahaz'a
The following users thanked this post: cbnicholson


Re: Angels Guild--Adventure Outfitters
« Reply #1030 on: December 12, 2020, 10:29:17 am »
"I shall have our weaponsmith craft a scimitar as soon as he able, Sir."

//PM sent to you, Belgar
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Angels Guild--Adventure Outfitters
« Reply #1031 on: December 13, 2020, 10:56:40 am »

Jako put your adamantium scimitar in the pickup chest by the door of the Angels Guild store.  Thank you very much for your business.

The following users thanked this post: cbnicholson


Re: Angels Guild--Adventure Outfitters
« Reply #1032 on: December 13, 2020, 07:51:53 pm »
Belgar walks in bleeding and bruised. 'Uhhh... I were on me way t' th' giant fortress in th' Hammerbounds so as t' secure th' funds fer me new blade and well, this damned ogre magicker put a stop to me wee quest right quick. I'll need a bit o' time t' recover an' secure th' funds... If'n that be alright?

//Soz, going hiking for the week and got killed getting the coin together. I'll, collect and pay next weekend if that's okay?
"By my mother's beard!"
Wanark Thangahaz'a
The following users thanked this post: Serissa


Re: Angels Guild--Adventure Outfitters
« Reply #1033 on: December 19, 2020, 07:35:13 pm »
A large dwarven woman walks in and rummages through the shields. She selects a copper tower shield and clanks it down roughly on the counter. She looks around for a moment before banging her fist on the counter. 'I BUY! I BUY SHIELD!' she bellows, pointing at the item. 'You sell?'

//The 126 coins are in the chest, but Alpoah is functionally illiterate in common, sorry.
« Last Edit: December 19, 2020, 08:01:20 pm by eltalstroneves »
"By my mother's beard!"
Wanark Thangahaz'a
The following users thanked this post: Serissa


Re: Angels Guild--Adventure Outfitters
« Reply #1034 on: December 23, 2020, 09:08:14 am »
Brandar, the drunk from The Bull's Eye shuffles into the shop to make an inquiry on behalf of Alpoah. "Uhh, I know this lovely dwarven lass, she don't speak common too well, who's in need of a suit o' full plate armour. Kobolds and goblins been given her a hard time of it. Just copper, mind you. She has the coin. Oh, and err... *taps the side of his nose with his forefinger and lowers his tone* best make it fairly... roomy."
"By my mother's beard!"
Wanark Thangahaz'a
The following users thanked this post: Serissa, cbnicholson


Re: Angels Guild--Adventure Outfitters
« Reply #1035 on: December 23, 2020, 10:47:42 am »
I'll get one of our armorers on it right away, and notify you when it's done, Brandar.  Thank you.


Re: Angels Guild--Adventure Outfitters
« Reply #1036 on: December 24, 2020, 03:54:37 pm »

Roomy copper full plate is in the pick up chest next to the door of the Angels Guild store.

The following users thanked this post: swoop, cbnicholson, eltalstroneves


Re: Angels Guild--Adventure Outfitters
« Reply #1037 on: December 26, 2020, 04:39:34 pm »
The dwarf woman returns alone, looks around and eventually finds the armour by the front door. She leaves a bag of 740 true in its place.
"By my mother's beard!"
Wanark Thangahaz'a
The following users thanked this post: swoop, Serissa


Re: Angels Guild--Adventure Outfitters
« Reply #1038 on: January 20, 2021, 01:50:53 pm »
Barley leaves a note at the Angels Guild

Hello, what be the price for two Lion bags and two Crag bags? I'll come look for an answer in a few days
~Barley, bouncer at the Scamps Mug
« Last Edit: January 20, 2021, 01:55:05 pm by Riven »
The following users thanked this post: Serissa


Re: Angels Guild--Adventure Outfitters
« Reply #1039 on: January 27, 2021, 07:01:44 pm »
A small bird finds Barley with a note with the Angel's guild seal, It reads:

Hello Barley!
First of all, sorry for the bit of a late reply, I don't usually work the counter, and as one of the guilds tailors and hunters, I'm often out in the field finding the very cats whose hides your bags are made from! Anyway, we do have those requested bags in stock at the store as we speak, well. we aren't speaking I guess, but as I write this note! And, if my math is correct, with a 10% discount for buying in bulk,  the total comes to 12,368 trues. Now, I may be out of date with our current sales and standard discount, so if that doesn't seem correct you might want to ask another member, but I think that is right!
(scribble notes on the edge show 2x lion bags at 4578 = 9156 and 2x crag at 2064 = 4128, minus 10% equals 12368.)

anyway, feel free to pick them up and drop off the trues whenever.

Signed: Quenton Bowstringer, Tailor and ranger for the Angel's Guild
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