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Author Topic: Angels Guild--Adventure Outfitters  (Read 135427 times)


Re: Angels Guild--Adventure Outfitters
« Reply #40 on: December 29, 2009, 11:11:51 am »
I, Andrew Reid, would like to place an order for one Royal Ball Tuxedo and one Silk Hood, all materials provided.

Let me know when we can meet that I may turn over the materials.

I have one box of eggs to put forth in trade toward the cost.


Re: Angels Guild--Adventure Outfitters
« Reply #41 on: January 06, 2010, 08:52:08 am »
Hello volks.
I would be in need of a Greater Acid Resistance, and I have the emerald dusts needed for it.
Name a place and time for a transaction and enchanting, and you will be paid.



Re: Angels Guild--Adventure Outfitters
« Reply #42 on: January 25, 2010, 02:33:12 pm »
Special Temporary Notice--no resources can be accepted as payment until further notice.
 The Angels Guildhall in Hempstead will be undergoing major renovation soon and is being completely cleared.  The Angels will be unable to accept CNR as payment until the renovation is complete - I.E. New Hall is established and furnished.  We apologise for the inconvenience this may cause you and will make every effort to complete the transition as soon as possible.
 We do still have adventuring equipment available for sale.  Please contact any active member.
 Aerimor (//Aerimor)
 Alatriel (//ErinInman)
Alazira (//Alazira)
Amgine Lanif (//Nehetsrev)
Benjamin Poetr (//cbnicholson)
Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir (//Chazzler)
Elohanna (//Anamnesis)
Ferrit Pandorn (//Serissa)
 Galathea Arnaduillae (//xiaobeibi)
Hedessa Tanario (//thedagda)
Jako Stonehill (//Slithy Tove)
Jilsepone Kendall (//Jilsepone Wyndon)
Kyle Pandorn (//SteveJW)
Lareth (//Lareth)
 Layl Maaw (//Leshariel)
 Marcus (//erik the confused)
 Sonya Darsus (//silverdraco)
Steel (//miltonyorkcastle)
 Tod Fellow (//Lord Dark)
Verideth Lightbringer (//Verideth)
Zakariem ( //Zakariem)


Re: Angels Guild--Adventure Outfitters
« Reply #43 on: January 29, 2010, 10:12:24 am »
Angels' Guild is open for business in our newly remodeled Store!
((Fancy Poster coming soon))

New conveniences are: Three Drop off Chests for our customers who wish to turn in raw materials for credit.  Please leave a note here with the amounts of materials and your name.  A pickup chest of ordered goods where you can leave payment as well.  Again please leave a note here if you wish to use the pick up chest.  Finally, an open front door //Guild Store Entrance, where potential customers can browse available goods. //examine labeled crates.   There is also a dummy, who looks a little like Ben Poetr, but I assure you it is not, available for weapons testing and practice along with a free portal.  

Currently accepting Ginseng at 3000 true credit per box, Also taking Gold in nugget or ingot form, skullcap,ring molds, and alexandrites. Sand is always welcome.
We do not as a rule accept large quantities of hickory, oak, or mahogany unless specifically requested.
Angels Guild is a brotherhood of crafters eager to help you with your adventuring needs.Contact any member to visit our well-supplied shop to browse and buy. You may also leave word of your needs here or send a message to any member.
 Prices are competitive with other guilds, and bargaining is allowed. Generous discounts are given for multiple purchases (10% for 2 items, 15% for 3, and 20% for four or more). If you provide all the materials needed for an item, it's half price.
 We are proud to announce that we now take orders for adamantium armor and weapons.
//NOTE: We can't hear knocking and we don't keep regular hours, so feel free to send a message requesting help. If someone can't help you right away, a speedy appointment can be arranged.
 Currently active members are:
 Amgine Lanif (//Nehetsrev)
 Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir (//Chazzler)
 Elohanna Dawnstar (//Anamnesis)
 Ferrit Pandorn (//Serissa)
 Hedessa Tanario (//thedagda)
 Jako Stonehill (//Slithy Tove)
 Jilsepone Kendall (//Jilsepone Wyndon)
 Kyle Pandorn (//SteveJW)
 Lareth (//Lareth)
 Omer Narmocano (//MadHattan)
 Steel (//miltonyorkcastle)
 Tod Fellow (//Lord Dark)
 Layl Maaw (//Leshariel)
 Verideth Lightbringer (//Verideth)
Zakariem ( //Zakariem)
Alazira  (//Alazira)
Aerimor  (//Aerimor)
Alatriel  (//ErinInman)
 //See bottom of thread for list of materials and values
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Angels Guild--Adventure Outfitters
« Reply #44 on: February 05, 2010, 05:45:51 pm »
Angels Guild is pleased to announce a new service:
 Forging of Mithril weapons/armors/shields/helmets 40,000 per unit
 Ore may be furnished as nuggets or ingots.
 In regard to forging of mithril equipment, true will only be demanded in case of a successful item crafted. Any ore recovered from a failed attempt will be returned. Below is a partial list to enable you to determine the probability of success on particular items.
 All shields 100%
 Scimitar 100%
 Helms 90%
 Shortsword, rapier, katana 90%
 Chain shirt or half-plate 80%
 longsword, bastard sword, greatsword 80%
 Full plate 70%


Re: Angels Guild--Adventure Outfitters
« Reply #45 on: February 09, 2010, 06:11:32 pm »
Is the guild still in need of ginseng? Got two boxes here that are too heavy and a customer hasn't picked them up to trade.

~Daniella Spellstop Smallnose


Re: Angels Guild--Adventure Outfitters
« Reply #46 on: February 09, 2010, 06:17:59 pm »
Yes, Miss Daniella, you have permission to leave them in the resources chests for credit, if you can't catch one of us.

Dorax Windsmith

Re: Angels Guild--Adventure Outfitters
« Reply #47 on: February 09, 2010, 07:38:06 pm »
Placing an order for a Mithril Kite shield, I have the ingots ready.

Trenton Bartholomew


Re: Angels Guild--Adventure Outfitters
« Reply #48 on: February 10, 2010, 12:05:28 am »
Thank you, Ferrit. Mr. Chaynce is in town, he said, so I will give him the ones I have, but I will gather more ginseng and will drop it as soon as I get it at the guild.

My thanks!
~Daniella Spellstop Smallnose


Re: Angels Guild--Adventure Outfitters
« Reply #49 on: February 10, 2010, 09:04:09 am »
To Trenton Bartholomew:
 Jako Stonehill will be making your shield.  You can give the ingots to any member, with instructions to give them to him, or you can leave them in the Pick-up and Payment chest in the public area of the Angels Guild shop.
 Thank you very much for your business.
 Ferrit Pandorn

Dorax Windsmith

Re: Angels Guild--Adventure Outfitters
« Reply #50 on: February 13, 2010, 03:41:26 pm »
6 ingots of mithril deposited in the Pick-up and Payment chest for a mithril kite shield.  Please advise when the shield is ready.  It's probably easiest to leave the shield in the chest as well.  I'll deposit the 40,000 True fee when I pick-up the shield.

Trenton Bartholomew

Slithy Tove

Re: Angels Guild--Adventure Outfitters
« Reply #51 on: February 13, 2010, 04:24:51 pm »
To Trenton Bartholomew:
 Your mithril kite shield is ready and is in the Pick-up and Payment chest. You may pick up your shield and leave the fee at your convenience.
 Thanks for the opportunity to serve you.
 Jako Stonehill

Dorax Windsmith

Re: Angels Guild--Adventure Outfitters
« Reply #52 on: February 13, 2010, 06:18:51 pm »
Transaction complete.  Thanks.



Re: Angels Guild--Adventure Outfitters
« Reply #53 on: February 15, 2010, 10:47:18 am »
**A note is delivered to the Angels Guild store**

Dear Angels,

I would like to place an order for a set of cobalt reinforced clothing, and a 3rd circle electrical weapon enhancement.


~Damon Silverdawn~


Re: Angels Guild--Adventure Outfitters
« Reply #54 on: February 15, 2010, 12:33:54 pm »
*Chakar modifies the post by crossing over the price and adding new one*
These two items would come to a price of
[strike]31500[/strike] 27000 with the 10% discount for 2 Items purchased at once.
I will place them in to the Pickup Chest soon for you to pick up.


Re: Angels Guild--Adventure Outfitters
« Reply #55 on: February 15, 2010, 04:39:46 pm »
Order picked up and 27,000 trues deposited in the pickup chest.  My thanks again.



Re: Angels Guild--Adventure Outfitters
« Reply #56 on: February 16, 2010, 06:43:19 pm »
Ms. Ferrit,

I am still gathering the ginseng for the guild. It's taking a while, because it hasn't been raining in that area much, at least not that I've seen. Or perhaps the Lizard men are eating it?  As soon as I have them ready, I'll drop the two boxes.

Also, I have 2 bodak teeth, stinky and heavy, if your guild needs them? If so, please, let me know to bring them over to you, okies?

Thank youlific!

~Daniella Spellstop Smallnose


Re: Angels Guild--Adventure Outfitters
« Reply #57 on: February 16, 2010, 08:18:19 pm »
Mrs. Smallnose,
 We'd be delighted to have the teeth and the ginseng.  Two teeth and two boxes of ginseng would be worth 7,000 trues in credit with Angels Guild.
 Ferrit Pandorn


Re: Angels Guild--Adventure Outfitters
« Reply #58 on: February 17, 2010, 10:10:37 am »
Special service (note improved ability for weaponsmithing):
 Forging of Mithril weapons/armors/shields/helmets 40,000 per unit
 Ore may be furnished as nuggets or ingots.
 In regard to forging of mithril equipment, true will only be demanded in case of a successful item crafted. Any ore recovered from a failed attempt will be returned. Below is a partial list to enable you to determine the probability of success on particular items.
 All shields 100%
 Scimitar, shortsword, rapier, katana 100%
 longsword, bastard sword, greatsword 90%
 Helms 90%
 Chain shirt or half-plate 80%
 Full plate 70%


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    Re: Angels Guild--Adventure Outfitters
    « Reply #59 on: February 19, 2010, 05:59:04 pm »
    I've been told the guild buys Alexandrite. I have 3 shiny chunks.

    ~Livius Triton