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Author Topic: Treana's Jewelry & Design  (Read 156 times)


Treana's Jewelry & Design
« on: June 06, 2006, 06:35:58 am »
*posted in neatly written script*

Treana's Jewelry & Design

Treana Min E'Zoenna, a fine crafter of gems, jewelry, and dress garments is looking to sell the following items:

Amethyst set in Copper Amulet - (+1 Saving Throws vs. Acid, Level Req. 1, LSRP 256 Gold) - Sale Price 200 Gold (QTY 1)
Fire Agate set in Copper Amulet - (+1 Saving Throws vs. Fire, Level Req. 1, LSRP 400 Gold) - Sale Price 300 Gold (QTY 1)
Phenalope set in Copper Amulet - (+1 Saving Throws vs. Cold, Level Req. 1, LSRP 256 Gold) - Sale Price 200 Gold (QTY 3)
Exceptional Fire Agate set in Copper Amulet - (Damage Resistance Fire 5/-, +1 Saving Throws vs. Fire, Level Req. 4, LSRP 1224 Gold) - Sale Price 1000 Gold (QTY 1)
Exceptional Greenstone set in Copper Amulet - (+2 Saving Throws vs. Poison, Level Req. 5, LSRP 1600 Gold) - Sale Price 1500 Gold (QTY 1)

Alexandrite set in Bronze Ring - (+2 Taunt, +2 Discipline, Level Req. 1, LSRP 460 Gold) - Sale Price 400 Gold (QTY 18)
Amethyst set in Copper Ring - (+1 Saving Throws vs. Acid, Level Req. 1, LSRP 320 Gold) - Sale Price 300 Gold (QTY 7)
Aventurine set in Copper Ring - (+1 Saving Throws vs. Electrical, Level Req. 1, LSRP 320 Gold) - Sale Price 300 Gold (QTY 19)
Feldspar set in Copper Ring - (+1 Saving Throws vs. Death, Level Req. 4, LSRP 1124 Gold) - Sale Price 1000 Gold (QTY 7)
Fire Agate set in Copper Ring - (+1 Saving Throws vs. Fire, Level Req. 1, LSRP 500 Gold) - Sale Price 400 Gold (QTY 5)
Fire Opal set in Bronze Ring - (+1 Reflex Save, Level Req. 3, LSRP 844 Gold) - Sale Price 600 Gold (QTY 4)
Greenstone set in Copper Ring - (+1 Saving Throws vs. Poison, Level Req. 1, LSRP 500 Gold) - Sale Price 400 Gold (QTY 1)
Malachite set in Copper Ring - (+1 Saving Throws vs. Disease, Level Req. 1, LSRP 500 Gold) - Sale Price 400 Gold (QTY 1)
Phenalope set in Copper Ring - (+1 Saving Throws vs. Cold, Level Req. 1, LSRP 320 Gold) - Sale Price 300 Gold (QTY 16)
Exceptional Alexandrite set in Bronze Ring - (+3 Taunt, +3 Discipline, Level Req. 4, LSRP 1036 Gold) - Sale Price 1000 Gold (QTY 1)
Exceptional Aventurine set in Copper Ring - (Electrical Resist 5/-, +1 Saving Throws vs. Electrical, Level Req. 4, LSRP 1088 Gold) - Sale Price 1000 Gold (QTY 1)
Exceptional Fire Agate set in Copper Ring - (Fire Resist 5/-, +1 Saving Throws vs. Fire, Level Req. 4, LSRP 1088 Gold) - Sale Price 1000 Gold (QTY 1)
Exceptional Malachite set in Copper Ring - (+2 Saving Throws vs. Disease, Level Req. 5, LSRP 2000 Gold) - Sale Price 1800 Gold (QTY 2)

Other Items For Sale
Gloves of Fury - (+1 Strength, +1 Parry, +1 Taunt, Level Req. 5, LSRP 2072 Gold) - Sale Price 2000 Gold (QTY 1)
Iron Star Shield - (AC +2, +1 Enhancement Bonus, Level Req. 5, LSRP 1592 Gold) - Sale Price 1500 Gold (QTY 1)
Book of Skullduggery - (Expeditious Retreat (5), Find Traps (3), Knock (3), Level Req. 5 Rogue, LSRP 2056 Gold) - Sale Price 1000 Gold (QTY 1)
Coward's Blade - (+1 Enhancement Bonus, Expeditious Retreat 1 use/Day, Level Req. 8, LSRP 3820 Gold) - Sale Price 3500 Gold (QTY 1)

Prices are negotiable on most items.  To make an offer Contact Treana in person, by messenger falcon (LORE Message), or by post sent to Treana Min E'Zoenna care of Yastin of the Wild Surge Inn (PM Message) for these goods or to have fine jewelry or garments commisioned.

*LSRP - Lens of pricing Suggested Retail Price

