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Author Topic: Auction  (Read 201 times)


« on: September 27, 2008, 08:03:27 pm »
[SIZE=16]Highest Two Bidders Win Their Choice of One of the Following:[/SIZE]

Emerald Amulet of Eagles Grace

Emerald Amulet of Owls Wisdom

Emerald Ring of Cat's Grace

Emerald Ring of Eagles Grace

Mithril Greatsword

Mithril Mace

Mithril Handaxe

Mithril Kukri

Mithril Scythe

Mithril Warhammer

Duergar Full Plate +3


Electrical Weapon Enchantment Rod 1d8

Acid Defensive Enchantment Dust 10/-

Bidding begins at 40,000 True.

[SIZE=10]|||| Auction lasts exactly one week from the time of this post. Clarification of rules: Bids are for one of the following items. The two individuals who post the highest bids by the end date may choose their item. Please do not post what you are bidding on until the auction is finalized. No private bids, no PM's. |||[/SIZE]


Re: Auction
« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2008, 09:31:09 pm »
*ponders* "Kuhl? Jewellery? Kuhl? Jewellery? Hmmmmm."

100,000 true

Arkolio de'Averlain


Re: Auction
« Reply #2 on: September 28, 2008, 12:04:33 am »
While i'm here I might as well throw my hood into the ring with a second bid too,

40,000 true

Arkolio de'Averlain


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Re: Auction
« Reply #3 on: September 28, 2008, 01:22:12 am »
*Silverhand scrawls an edgy hand on the board...*

150,000 true.


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    Re: Auction
    « Reply #4 on: September 29, 2008, 10:03:35 am »

    Celith Xillow~


    Re: Auction
    « Reply #5 on: October 03, 2008, 08:20:56 pm »
    Auction ends in a day.


    Re: Auction
    « Reply #6 on: October 04, 2008, 06:25:49 am »
    120,000 true

    Arkolio de'Averlain


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      Re: Auction
      « Reply #7 on: October 04, 2008, 09:22:23 am »
      //I think i woke up too late... :'(


      Re: Auction
      « Reply #8 on: October 04, 2008, 02:31:33 pm »
      Quote from: vitor
      //I think i woke up too late... :'(
       You have another 5 hours from this post.


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        Re: Auction
        « Reply #9 on: October 04, 2008, 03:47:15 pm »
        Quote from: Chongo
        You have another 5 hours from this post.

        //OOHHH! GREAT! >.<
        I've been for 5~6 hours on Xbox Live and I lost it.
        Yes, I'm Lucky.

        //edit: ! IT'S 9 PM THAT IT ENDS! :D

        121.000 trues.
        Celith Xillow~


        Re: Auction
        « Reply #10 on: October 05, 2008, 01:59:46 am »
        Auction is closed.
         Silverhand has his first pick, then Celith.
         //Post here for your pick.  You have one week to arrange your collection.


        Re: Auction
        « Reply #11 on: October 14, 2008, 09:50:20 pm »
        Celith doesn't have the gold.  Silverhand has two days to collect.
         This auction is otherwise shut down.


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          Re: Auction
          « Reply #12 on: October 14, 2008, 10:48:05 pm »
          Quote from: Chongo
          Celith doesn't have the gold.  Silverhand has two days to collect.
           This auction is otherwise shut down.


          Thanks GMs, you're very quick with requests.


          Re: Auction
          « Reply #13 on: October 15, 2008, 02:13:09 am »
          Quote from: vitor
           Thanks GMs, you're very quick with requests.
           Totally unneccesary dude.  Keep that stuff to yourself.


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          Re: Auction
          « Reply #14 on: October 16, 2008, 01:31:45 am »
          Silverhand is around, but I can't seem to log into the server with him.  I've tried by no go.  Other characters work fine.  He was last logged out in Saudria if my memory serves but I did try all the servers with him.

          I'm interested in the Duegar Full plate which I intend to freely give to the church of Toran.

          He has by far too much coin, no worries there.

          //PS Fixed him... If I see you in the Server Status, he'll log in and find you.

