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Author Topic: Buying Elderberries  (Read 47 times)


Buying Elderberries
« on: July 17, 2006, 06:32:29 pm »
Pyyran Rahth offers 8gp/berry for Elderberries, or 350gp for a box. Any quantities welcomed, large or small.

For bottles of purified elderberry juice, Pyyran offers 70gp.

For each additional box of elderberries, Pyyran will pay an extra 25gp.

Don't miss out on this easy opportunity for gold!


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    Re: Buying Elderberries
    « Reply #1 on: July 18, 2006, 12:46:44 am »
    dear Pyyran,

    I am happy to conduct an Elderberry scavaging for you but need to know when the purchaser will be available to conduct the puchasing.  i had not long ago 2 boxes of berries, one of white mushrooms and 3 boxes of knuckles for another person and basicaly got sick of carrying them around all the time so i pawned the lot.

    Finola' Shadwreath


    Re: Buying Elderberries
    « Reply #2 on: July 18, 2006, 08:13:55 am »
    Arranging a delivery is as simple as leaving a message here, or with Yastin, the owner of the Wild Surge Inn. ~ Pyyran

    //PMs always get my attention, and the longest period I'll ever be unavailable is about two or three days, and that's rather rare.

