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Author Topic: Axo's Weapons and Armurs  (Read 250 times)


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    Axo's Weapons and Armurs
    « on: April 07, 2006, 10:40:16 pm »
    *Advertisement taken to scribe to be written in common*

    These are the armors I offer

    Addy Half plate armors. Only have 1 left, when its gone, its gone.
    Platinum full, half plates, chain or can make the armor you want.
    Also a full line of iron, bronze, and copper armors, made on order.

    I also sell Iron, bronze and copper weapons. Some weapons made when ordered.

    Enchantments can be offered, but may take time, as I do not make these myself.

    I also have a few items that I have acquired:

    Swashbuckler Sabre            AC bonus +1 (AC deflection modifier, +1 enchantment, Skill bonus: Parry +4  5000gp
    2 Cowards Blade                 +1 shortsword with Expeditious retreat 1/day  4000gp each
    A wand of camoflauge       Camoflauge, 50 charges, uses 5 per use             make offer
    Wand of bulls strength     Casts Bulls Strength (3) 50 charges, uses 5 charges per use  1500gp - sold
    Cloak of Az'atta               +4 ST vs Poison + Sactuary 2/day Lev 10            7000gp
    3 gloves of swordplay       +3 to Parry skill                                                   make offer
    2 gloves of spellcraft         +3 to Spellcraft skill                                            make offer

    Scrolls are for sale also, come see what I got and make offer. will sale as whole lot for right price.

    I can usually be found around Hlint at my house at Hlint 101. Right behind bank.

    You can send me a falcon or post here or let Exodus or Xain Stonecutter know.
    I will receive the message.

    Axodeth o' de Stonecutter clan


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      Re: Axo's Weapons and Armurs
      « Reply #1 on: April 09, 2006, 06:27:15 am »
      prices reduced


      Re: Axo's Weapons and Armurs
      « Reply #2 on: April 09, 2006, 07:24:03 am »
      My name is Lam'lothane and Id like to know how much iron ingots would cost?
      Also Id be willing to take the wand of Bulls for 1000 gold.

      See me in Hlint or ill find you.



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        Re: Axo's Weapons and Armurs
        « Reply #3 on: April 09, 2006, 08:01:24 am »
        Wand of bull's yours. We'll discuss the iron IG.


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          Re: Axo's Weapons and Armurs
          « Reply #4 on: April 15, 2006, 07:42:35 am »
          Axodeth walks in, uncovers advertisement from under all the others and posts his back on top. Walks to the bartender and orders some spirits.


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            Re: Axo's Weapons and Armurs
            « Reply #5 on: May 25, 2006, 11:35:17 pm »
            Axodeth walks into the Surge and blows the dust off his note and posts it above the other notes


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            Re: Axo's Weapons and Armurs
            « Reply #6 on: May 26, 2006, 07:34:14 am »
            postmaster delivers a note to Axo ...

            Kin,  Argos and myself would like to buy the Admantium and Platnium half plate armors.  Your skill is of no others and we wish to use these as templetes to learn to make more.

            At the next opportunity I will look for thee ...



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              Re: Axo's Weapons and Armurs
              « Reply #7 on: May 27, 2006, 12:01:50 pm »
              When you are ready, ye let me know.



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                Re: Axo's Weapons and Armurs
                « Reply #8 on: May 29, 2006, 11:30:09 pm »
                *Removes the silver ingots from the list*

