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Author Topic: Pig's Pickings  (Read 36 times)

Pen N Popper

Pig's Pickings
« on: February 06, 2007, 11:38:42 am »
[SIZE=24]Pig's Pickings[/SIZE]
[SIZE=18]All the finest food and ales![/SIZE]
 The halfgiant Pig is in the market to purchase any and all of the following:
[INDENT]  Grains:  Barley, Wheat, Corn, Rye, Oats, Rice
  Herbs and flowers: Hops, Belladona, Skullcap, Sage, Peppermint  
  Nuts: Chestnuts, Hazelnuts, Almonds, Pecans
  Fruits and berries: Apples, Cherries, Blueberries, Cranberries, Blackberries, Juniper, Grapes, Raspberries
  Other: Goblin ears, Skeleton knuckles, Will O' Wisp, Potions of Cure (self), Milk, Fire Agate dust, Sugar cane
[SIZE=16]Sage & Hops especially needed[/SIZE]
See Pig today if you wish him to broker your own cooked goods (roasts, breads, pies, etc.) to the public.
[SIZE=16]Do you fish? Bring your fresh or cooked fish to Pig![/SIZE]
[SIZE=16]Seeking:  Pipeweed (cured or raw) and a crafter of fine pipes! [/SIZE]


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Re: Pig's Pickings
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2007, 01:11:33 am »
*gets out blue ink and scribbles neatly* how much yu pay Aiden per item or do yu want boxes of dem? let Aiden know, Aiden tends to hab lots of fruits.. especially da special apples from Fire steep.

Aiden Baelhar


Pen N Popper

Re: Pig's Pickings
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2007, 04:03:44 am »
*written neatly*
  Dear Aiden Baelhar (and other interested parties),
  Pig, yes that is truly what he calls himself, is not a man overly adept at counting (or writing for that matter).  I have been commissioned to compose his writings here and answer or direct any inquiries appropriately.  
  I believe it is Pig's intention to open a food establishment where you may purchase a wide variety of edible delicacies washed down by a wider variety of "whiskey juices." (Note that "whiskey" is his term for all things with a kick, excluding Xeenite wine which he considers only a marginal step above water.)  To meet this lofty goal he will need to find suppliers of raw and finished food goods:  Apples, apple juice, apple pie, or axe head amber.  The tavern establishments of the land have the advantage of calling anything "special."  Pig must find all the food stuffs himself.
  So, to answer your question specificly, the price paid for apples is liable to fluxuate with his whims (and lack of number mastery) but it is safe to assume he will buy what you have for a fair price.  (I suggest you suggest a fair market price to him, though a bit of flowery words and your appraisal of the quality may get you a better price.)
  A hungry Hlintian

Pen N Popper

RE: Pig's Pickings
« Reply #3 on: February 07, 2007, 02:16:18 pm »
The "hungry Hlintian" updates the notice with offer for fish, pipeweed, and pipe maker.

Pen N Popper

RE: Pig's Pickings
« Reply #4 on: February 09, 2007, 12:13:05 pm »
Top true paid for cow's milk and butter!
In need of cherries, blueberries, almonds, hazlenuts, and all flavors of juice!

