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Author Topic: High End Poisons For Sale (Bebelith, Queen, Bastard Sword and others)  (Read 53 times)


//Please read the post carefully. This is NOT an openly posted notice! That would be silly, as Jaelle would then have paladins and goody-two shoes jumping all over her. ;)

In the darkest alleys, the seediest of taverns and other places individuals of questionable moral character sometimes congregate, whispers of a supplier of a few high end poisons come to light. Perhaps you overhear a scrap of conversation while conducting a little shady business of your own.

Poison, you say? What kinda poison? Anyone can buy them simple ones. Heck, even I kin mash up a few spiders and smear it on my dagger. So what?

Nah, nah, you got it all wrong. Not them simple ones. Real strong ones, stuff that can do serious damage.

Yeah, like what?

Oh, pretty much all of 'em. Bebeliths, them scary queen ones, those bastard sword freaks ... He'll even do weird stuff like quasit or lich if you bring him the goods.

And he's selling 'em? Hmm, might be worth lookin' into if the price is right. So where do I find this guy?

You don't. He finds you, or so I hear it. You leave word here, with what you're interested in and how you want to be contacted, and he sets up the exchange, nice and impersonal like, so them bloody Goldies don't get wind of it.

A paper is passed from one speaker to the other as both parties make several disparaging comments about officials and justice in general. Perhaps you catch a glimpse of the paper as it is passed. Perhaps you follow the man later and pick his pocket, or take it from him through more direct measures. Surely, though, those with a genuine interest in acquiring some powerful poison could find a way to contact this mysterious supplier.

//So, just to clarify:

Poison for sale--bastard sword, queen, and bebelith, or any of the specific lesser spiders (dire, aranea, phase, etc) on request. Limited by supply of course, but price reasonable (true or trade acceptable, work it out IC!).

Unique poisons like quasit or lich available if goods are supplied. Same goes for all the poisons really.

Jaelle is not an idiot, and sells her poisons in a rather anonymous way, sometimes through the use of disguises, illusions, pre-arranged drops or third parties. Obviously this is hard to represent IG, but should be considered in RP.

Responses can be sent either via PM or as replies to this thread, but obviously please do not send responses addressed to Jaelle (because of course you don't know it's her!).

If there's any questions or confusion, please, please, just ask. :)