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Author Topic: The jolly halfling in Port Hampshire  (Read 223 times)


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RE: The jolly halfling in Port Hampshire
« Reply #20 on: August 08, 2005, 05:22:00 am »
*an elf walks up to the table, drawing an iron greatsword*

So how much would it cost me to get one of these *points to a Cold Enchantment rod II* to put on this?


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    RE: The jolly halfling in Port Hampshire
    « Reply #21 on: August 08, 2005, 05:31:00 am »
    I wonder if you can fill this order: Cold, Fire, Electrical, and Acid Resistance all rod 4's.....If the price is fair I will buy them and more.


    RE: The jolly halfling in Port Hampshire
    « Reply #22 on: August 08, 2005, 05:59:00 am »
    *The halfling looks surprised by the large number of customers, so he runs from one to other speaking very quickly*

    These scrolls are available for poor little Bil *the halfling smiles* and my master will try to make them as soon as possible. I won't speak of the price, it won't be much, I am sure you carry such an amount in your pockets daily

    *the halfling nods to Bil and quickly turns to the next customer*

    Such a rod would cost a mere 5000 gold pieces and it shall be available in a matter of hours after you say you wish to purchase it

    *the halfling quickly runs to the third customer as he hears what the customer wishes to purchase*

    Sir, you really know your way in magical items. The rods you ask for are the best known way to protect a person against the elements. These rods require master crafters and as such cost quite a sum. Each of those rods costs 25 000 gold pieces, but, as you are making such a large purchase I think my master will be willing to make a significant discount.

    But there is also good news and bad news *he smiles* The bad news is, that an acid rod is unavailable as it requires a good amount of emerald dust to make. I would assume that even if he had one, the price would be...*the halfling rolls his eyes looking into the sky* But the good news is, that the other rods are already made and as soon as you say, that you wish to purchase them and meet and my master, you shall have them.

    ///These rods do cost a lot and I can not ask for less as it will ruin the economy of Layonara///



    RE: The jolly halfling in Port Hampshire
    « Reply #23 on: August 09, 2005, 09:22:00 am »
    *The halfling looks at the customers waiting for an answer*


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      RE: The jolly halfling in Port Hampshire
      « Reply #24 on: August 09, 2005, 12:55:00 pm »
      *walks up to the halfing and smiles*

      Hello there,

      My name is Kayla Whitestar, a fine Wizard Apprentice.  I was wondering if you have a scroll called Globe of Invulnerability? If so, I would like to purchase that so that I may study it.  Just send me a mail when that scroll is available for pickup.


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      RE: The jolly halfling in Port Hampshire
      « Reply #25 on: August 09, 2005, 01:41:00 pm »
      *looks as though he's considering it*
      Yes, I think I'll take one of these.  Please let me know when it is ready, my name is Yardislan Echron.

      //just to confirm, that's Rod II Cold.


      RE: The jolly halfling in Port Hampshire
      « Reply #26 on: August 09, 2005, 02:09:00 pm »


      Bil thanks you yes he does that be acceptable to Bil yes it is....Bil also says he has mineral diamond and sapphire to trade for more spells too if you be interested yes he does.


      RE: The jolly halfling in Port Hampshire
      « Reply #27 on: August 10, 2005, 06:21:00 am »
      *the halfling quickly approaches Kayla*  

      I must say no to the lady *he sighs with a smile* unfortunatly that scroll is hard to find....though I may interest you in a minor version of the same spell. I shall leave you to think.

      *The halfling writes two small letters and sends them to Bilvikki and Yardislan, the letters say the following* The goods you were interested in are ready.


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        RE: The jolly halfling in Port Hampshire
        « Reply #28 on: August 10, 2005, 02:25:00 pm »

        Very well Mr. Halfing.  Ummm...Do you happen to have a ring of wizardy III?  If so, I wish to purchase it.  Let me know when it is ready.  I have the gold ready.


        RE: The jolly halfling in Port Hampshire
        « Reply #29 on: August 11, 2005, 12:59:00 am »
        *As soon as Kayla finishes the sentence the halfling replies* Ready

        D Blaze

        RE: The jolly halfling in Port Hampshire
        « Reply #30 on: August 28, 2005, 10:31:00 pm »
        *Ralinda walks up to the happy little fellow*

        Hello there little one, I would like you to give this to your employer. Would you be so kind?

        *she smiles as she pulls out a small scroll sealed in purple wax from her sleeve and hands it to the little halfling*

        //enclosed information will be PMed


        RE: The jolly halfling in Port Hampshire
        « Reply #31 on: September 25, 2005, 12:01:00 am »
        *Sin'Dolin apraoches the Halfling while in Hampshire.He hands the halfling a sealed Note*
        Please give this to your master.