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Author Topic: Bron's Gear for Inexperienced Adventurers  (Read 928 times)


Bron's Gear for Inexperienced Adventurers
« on: July 01, 2019, 03:25:00 pm »
// Posted in Center //
// rough charcoal on a large parchment //

Bron's Gear for Inexperienced Adventurers
I'll make ye a Deal!

Bronze Weaponry
Iron Weaponry
Iron Helms
Bonebreaker Club (smacks the hell out of undead!) 200 True
One Trick Staff: make me an offer
Warthog Hide Armor for halflings (//lv 15 min): make me an offer

Leave me a note here, and I'll meet you!
~Bron (red-bearded dwarf with hammer)

