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Author Topic: Established Inn Seeking help, management, and other.  (Read 64 times)

Lalaith Va'lash

Established Inn Seeking help, management, and other.
« on: September 23, 2007, 07:28:56 pm »
Do you desire to be part of something more?

The Leringard Arms Inn and Tavern is seeking several others to help with management positions.

1. Inn manager - In charge of working with Lilly and Kali to keep the ledger updated. Renting out rooms and collecting rent from others.

2. Kitchen manager - In charge of keeping the kitchen "needs" list updated and working with the staff to determine weekly specials. Also will keep kitchen organized and make sure nothing is running low.  This person may also keeps track of the payroll for chef's. (Once per RL week)

3. Entertainment Manager - In charge of booking for the inn, and holding openings, and arranging merchant nights.  (minimum, once per RL month)

Contact Kali to learn more.

//The Leringard Arms is a long time established player run establishment.  We have gone from having openings every Friday night with regular crowd, games, and fun.. to only opening every so often.  It has always been a labor of love, but  has lead to some wonderful RP and a ton of fun times for all involved.

 In an attempt to get the place closer to what it used to be, I'm dividing the tasks and calling out to the community for help.  If your interested, and your character would be interested, please understand that it will sometimes take a bit of RL commitment... but hopefully will be worth it in the end. Thanks! - Lala

Lalaith Va'lash

Re: Established Inn Seeking help, management, and other.
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2007, 06:37:18 pm »
*Kali updates the poster and moves it to the top*