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Author Topic: Cailomel Goods and Wares (updated)  (Read 121612 times)


Re: Cailomel Goods and Wares (updated)
« Reply #400 on: August 09, 2024, 04:03:09 pm »
Credit = 44,959
Alright, I will take two Slayers Belts which the lens price at 26,000 a piece.
26,000 + 26,000 = 52,000
52,000 - 44,959 = 8,959 + marketing strategy 26,000 = 34,959 is what I left in the chest.
Good day.

The following users thanked this post: Chazzler


Re: Cailomel Goods and Wares (updated)
« Reply #401 on: August 09, 2024, 05:23:27 pm »
Muhkuman deposited 20,000 true coins for two emerald rings & one emerald amulet of bulls strength


Re: Cailomel Goods and Wares (updated)
« Reply #402 on: August 10, 2024, 05:44:33 pm »
Hey Czukay!
Thank your for your purchase, yet I must inform you that you paid too much.
Drop items are 75% of lens price, therefor a Slayer's Belt is only 19500 of worth.
Thank yiou
*The shopkeep marches away*


Re: Cailomel Goods and Wares (updated)
« Reply #403 on: August 17, 2024, 08:05:11 pm »
Cailomel , put my Trues in a chest and tell me when it's ready for pick-up. I don't want to pay any more of your marketing fee!



Re: Cailomel Goods and Wares (updated)
« Reply #404 on: August 21, 2024, 01:01:42 pm »
26000 x 2 = 52000
52000 * 0,75 = 39000T for the Slayer's Belts
You had a credit of 44,959T
44,959 - 39000 = 5959 we owe ya.

The money be in the chest for you to pick up
Same chest ya paid to

The following users thanked this post: pelordaes7


Re: Cailomel Goods and Wares (updated)
« Reply #405 on: August 22, 2024, 11:51:14 pm »
Barley returns with a sack of coin; he deposits 9000 True, to pay off his debt (towards the Emerald Necklace he purchased awhile back).

He also leaves a note:

Gorm, if you stumble upon a Greater Swordsman or Greater Brawler's Belt, I'll happily be in your service!
~Barley (leave word at the Scamp's Mug)
The following users thanked this post: Chazzler


Re: Cailomel Goods and Wares (updated)
« Reply #406 on: August 23, 2024, 12:12:02 am »
Barley picks up a blue ioun stone.
75% of lens = 16,125
However, would you be willing to part with it for the price Angels Guild sells these ability-boosting Ioun stones for? 8500

If so:
Barley pays 50% in Credit: 4250
50% in Coin: 4250

Previous Credit 16,972
Minus 4250
New Credit = 12,722
The following users thanked this post: Chazzler


Re: Cailomel Goods and Wares (updated)
« Reply #407 on: August 23, 2024, 12:28:45 am »
Riven picks up a scarlet and blue ioun stone and pays 8500 True into the chest.

He leaves a note for Bron:

Hail Bron, if you find jewelry or bracers that grant immunity to mind-affecting spells along with some other benefit, let me know! I may want to purchase that, and let go of my current ring.
The following users thanked this post: Chazzler


Re: Cailomel Goods and Wares (updated)
« Reply #408 on: August 23, 2024, 10:25:27 am »
Barley picks up a blue ioun stone.
75% of lens = 16,125
However, would you be willing to part with it for the price Angels Guild sells these ability-boosting Ioun stones for? 8500

If so:
Barley pays 50% in Credit: 4250
50% in Coin: 4250

Previous Credit 16,972
Minus 4250
New Credit = 12,722

Aye that kind of ioun stone be rare, going  to have to go with the 75%
« Last Edit: August 24, 2024, 03:31:09 pm by Chazzler »


Re: Cailomel Goods and Wares (updated)
« Reply #409 on: August 24, 2024, 12:42:48 am »
Barley returns  to settle up for the ioun stone:

blue ioun stone: 75% of lens = 16,125

50% paid in True: 4250 paid the other day, + 3813 paid today = 8063 coin paid.

50% paid in Credit: 4250 noted the other day, +3813 today.
Previous Credit: 12,722, - 3813 = 8909
= 8909 Current Credit left.
The following users thanked this post: Chazzler


Re: Cailomel Goods and Wares (updated)
« Reply #410 on: August 25, 2024, 04:57:10 pm »
Riven picks up an amulet of bull strength III.
As per Gorm's words, Riven drops off 12,500 True, a fine emerald he cut and polished, emerald dust, and two gold ingots.

Riven also picks up two greater elemental resistances:
cold 5720
electric 5720
Pays 11,4440 True into the chest.

Riven returns with another 5720 and purchases another Cold Resistance II.
Many Thanks!
« Last Edit: August 25, 2024, 05:57:05 pm by Riven »
The following users thanked this post: Chazzler


Re: Cailomel Goods and Wares (updated)
« Reply #411 on: August 28, 2024, 01:24:48 am »
As per conversation with Gorm,
Barley picks up a Tier III ring of owl's wisdom and Tier III ring of cat's grace.
This is to make up for him buying a Tier III necklace for 75,000, rather than the correct prices of 25,000 for emerald necklace, 20,000 for emerald ring.
The following users thanked this post: Chazzler


Re: Cailomel Goods and Wares (updated)
« Reply #412 on: September 03, 2024, 07:24:27 pm »
Purchased 2 owls wisdom rings (+1) and 1 cats grace ring (+1). 5220 coins placed in chest.

Also you are out of the lesser bulls strength rings.

Flint Steadfast
« Last Edit: September 03, 2024, 07:27:08 pm by Tobias »
The following users thanked this post: Chazzler


Re: Cailomel Goods and Wares (updated)
« Reply #413 on: September 08, 2024, 08:51:03 pm »
Purchased Iron Tower Shield. Place 1750 in payment chest.

Purchased Friago Tallpockey's  Cloak ( +1 str, +2 will save).  Lens Value 6,248. Paid 75% of lens value 4,686. Payment placed in chest.

Flint Steadfast

« Last Edit: September 08, 2024, 08:58:50 pm by Tobias »
The following users thanked this post: Chazzler


Re: Cailomel Goods and Wares (updated)
« Reply #414 on: September 08, 2024, 09:37:56 pm »
Dropped off 78 ingots of glass @ 100 per ingot for store credit  (7800)
(in the contracts chest(s) and Gorm's shelf)
The following users thanked this post: Chazzler


Re: Cailomel Goods and Wares (updated)
« Reply #415 on: September 10, 2024, 10:19:09 pm »
What be your price on the Bull Runner cloak?  The pawn selling it for 5,000tr.

Also if you take orders, I'll be needing an adamantium war axe.

Flint steadfast


Re: Cailomel Goods and Wares (updated)
« Reply #416 on: September 11, 2024, 07:35:28 pm »
To Flint:
Normally the price for these types of items is 75% of the lens price you see when examining the item.
But since Saddlebags is 5000T, we probably can go as low as that this time.

I will have an adamantium waraxe made in a bit for you, as well, for 8100T

Görmungard Boulderanvil


Re: Cailomel Goods and Wares (updated)
« Reply #417 on: September 11, 2024, 09:22:27 pm »
Purchased the dwarven war axe for 8100tr.

Purchased the bull runner's cloak for 5000tr.

Görmungard took the coin.

Flint Steadfast.
The following users thanked this post: Chazzler


Re: Cailomel Goods and Wares (updated)
« Reply #418 on: September 14, 2024, 02:41:19 am »
*Tem wanders the store for quite some time, checking this, and considering that, finally deciding on a  worg studded hide shirt and after much finger counting and second guessing nods to himself and depostits 1927 true in the chest as payment*
The following users thanked this post: Chazzler


Re: Cailomel Goods and Wares (updated)
« Reply #419 on: September 14, 2024, 11:50:12 pm »
*Temothy Hardt scribbles a small note and places it in the payment chest with a pouch of true*

-Please find enclosed 1800 true as down payment for a set of Bracers of Dexterity +2, I was unsure of what the total cost of said bracers would be, if you could relay a sum for me to debit, I shall satisfy the outstanding balance at once.

*returning the next day*
Temothy unfolds a small piece of parchment, once more reading the neatly detailed tally for goods purchased from the proprietors, then counts out 3,426 true, folds it in a cloth pouch, and carefully scribes his name and amount on the cloth before depositing in the accounts payable box.
*Closing the lid with a defined -clack!- Tem pauses for a moment to admire the bracers on his forearms.*

*smiling to himself* "True well spent Tem..."

« Last Edit: September 15, 2024, 12:33:45 pm by Vyris »

