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Author Topic: Drexia's Leathers and Miscellany  (Read 266 times)


Drexia's Leathers and Miscellany
« on: March 11, 2007, 09:11:03 pm »
Hello, This is a notice for Drexia's goods.
As I am an independant crafter, I only have one or two of my items in stock at the moment, I will add items as I make them. I may be able to take orders on some items. Some barters may be considered (See below). All of my pieces can be tailored to fit various body sizes, and both male and female figures. If you are interested in my wares, please contact me so we can arrange a time for a fitting.



Leather armors:

Black hide armor 2000 trues (concentration +3, level req. 4)

Cougar Leather  2000 trues  (Tumble +3, level req. 1 )
Studded Cougar Leather 2500 trues (Tumble +3, +1 AC vs piercing, level req 4)

Jaguar Leather 3000 trues (Search +3, Spot +3, Tumble +3, Level req. 5)
Studded Jaguar 3500 trues (Search +3, Spot +3, Tumble +3, +1 AC vs. piercing, level req 9)

Worg Leather 3000 trues (AC vs. Goblinoids +2, Discipline +3, level req. 8 )

White Deer Leather, 4000 trues (Immunity disease, +1 save vs. poison, low light (10m) white, level req. 8 )
White Deer Hide, 5000 trues (+1 AC vs slashing, Immunity disease, +1 save vs. poison, low light (10m) white, level req. 10)

Brown Leather 3500 trues (AC +1, +3 concentration, Level req 8 )

Leopard Leather 4000 trues (AC +1, +1 fortitude save, Tumble +3, level req. 10)
Leopard Hide 5000 trues (AC +1, +1 fortitude save, Tumble +3, +2 AC vs. slashing, level req. 13 )

Lion Leather 4000 trues (AC +1, Will throws +1, Tumble +3, levl req. 10)
Lion Hide 5000 trues (AC +1, Will throws +1, Tumble +3, +2 AC vs. slashing, level req. 13)
Studded Lion 5000 trues (AC +1, Will throws +1, Tumble +3, +2 AC vs.
piercing, level req. 13)

Panther Leather, 5000 trues (AC +1, +3 Hide +3 Search, +3 Move Silently, level req. 10)
Panther Hide, 6000 trues (AC +1, +3 Hide +3 Search, +3 Move Silently, +3 tumble, +2 AC vs. slashing, level req. 14)

Grizzly Leather, 7500 trues, (AC+2, +3 concentration, level req. 11)
Grizzly Hide, 9000 trues, (AC+2, +3 concentration, +3 AC vs. slashing, level req. 17)

Polar Leather 15,000 trues (AC +1, cold resist 20/-, Concentration +3, level req. 13)

Dire Wolf Leather, 15,000 trues (AC+1, slashing resist 5/-, +1 universal saves, +3 discipline, level req. 15)
Dire Wolf Hide, 17,500 trues (AC+1, +2 AC vs. slashing, slashing resist 5/-, +1 universal saves, +3 discipline, level req. 18 )
Studded Dire Wolf, 18,000 trues (AC+1, +2 AC vs. piercing, slashing resist 5/-, +1 universal saves, +3 discipline, level req. 18 )

Dire Bear Leather, 22,000 trues (AC +2, Dmg reduction +1 soak 5, Concentration +3, level req. 18 )

Other Tailored Goods:

Platinum Reinforced Clothing, 10,000 trues (AC +1, slashing resistance 5/-, level req. 10)

Lion Leather Gloves 2000 trues (+1 AB)
Tiger leather belt 1000 true (Perform +2, level req. 1 )
Belt of Archers Edge 6000 trues(AC +1 [deflction], Entropic Shield 1/day, level req. 8 )
Panther Cloak 2000 trues (+3 hide, +3 move silently)
Lion Leather Sling 1500 trues (+1 attack bonus)
Lesser Monk's Robes 2500 trues (+1 AC, usable only by monk)

Cougar bags or Scroll boxes, 1000 trues each.
Lion bags, 10,000 trues

By Special Order:

The following can be made, but only by special order, and only with some or all ingredients supplied. This is not an exhaustive list, just a few examples. please ask me for details and pricing, or if there are other tailored items you may are interested in.

Bandages, stronger than commonly found.
Special garments, suitable for stealth, fighting unarmed, or casting spells.
Bags of crag cat construction.
Malar armors and weapons.
Clothing made from rare silks.

Currently seeking:
I generally am not looking to buy these, but the following may be accepted as credit against the cost of an item, at current market prices.

Hides:Winter wolf, Crag cat, Dire Wolf, Dire Tiger, Dire Bear, Malar.

Gems of entropic shield.

Queen or Bebilith Silk

Potions of Cat's Grace, or Fox's Cunning

Darkus Tornado

Re: Drexia's Leathers and Miscellany
« Reply #1 on: March 12, 2007, 03:00:53 am »
Meh would like taht dwarwen waraxe made from iron


Gamron Ironfeet


Re: Drexia's Leathers and Miscellany
« Reply #2 on: March 12, 2007, 05:28:07 pm »
Star dust of Beryl



Re: Drexia's Leathers and Miscellany
« Reply #3 on: March 20, 2007, 01:58:12 pm »
*takes out a blade and carefully scrapes some ink off the parchment, writes the following at the bottom*

Please note the additional items, including Panther hide armor: nearly the equal of Malar leather, at a fraction of the cost. Thank you to those of you who have purchased from me thus far. New items will be on the way shortly.


Re: Drexia's Leathers and Miscellany
« Reply #4 on: March 20, 2007, 02:02:56 pm »
*a note is written in a scratchy hand*

I don't know about 50-100 pinches, but I gots plenty a greenstone dust if yah be wanting it. Just look me up.  I gets more every week.

Shiff Dragonheart


Re: Drexia's Leathers and Miscellany
« Reply #5 on: March 20, 2007, 03:44:46 pm »

I would be interested in your scrolls and one scroll box.



Re: Drexia's Leathers and Miscellany
« Reply #6 on: April 01, 2007, 03:15:07 am »
*walks by and carefully moves the parchment out from behind newer notices, repositions it, and adds a few items*

Witch Hunter

Re: Drexia's Leathers and Miscellany
« Reply #7 on: April 01, 2007, 03:26:51 am »
I've a box worth of Essence of Cure for sale.


Re: Drexia's Leathers and Miscellany
« Reply #8 on: April 01, 2007, 04:46:09 am »
Hey Drexia.  

I gots me three pieces a Panther skin if yah want it.  Brand new!  Needem?



Re: Drexia's Leathers and Miscellany
« Reply #9 on: April 15, 2007, 11:59:59 pm »
*sighing, Drexia once again digs her advertisement out from under other postings, and places it wherepeople can see it*


Re: Drexia's Leathers and Miscellany
« Reply #10 on: April 16, 2007, 03:47:27 pm »

I'd like to talk some business wit yah concernin a suit ah Panther Leather.
I'll be in Port Hempstead doing some work.

~Shiff Dragonheart

*follows is a short description of himself*


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    Re: Drexia's Leathers and Miscellany
    « Reply #11 on: April 16, 2007, 11:03:49 pm »
    i'll buy them star dusts of the heavens if ya got 'em still for 500 coins or so. i'm willing to negotiate price if you feel that is not enough. i can be found usually in Hempstead. Look for the half-naked bald guy.


    Re: Drexia's Leathers and Miscellany
    « Reply #12 on: April 18, 2007, 10:55:33 am »
    that dark silk armour may well be something of use to one such as I much versed in the art of silk wearing though this of course is not my main profession. Please if you may hold this until I can seek you out.

    Sami Groundbreaker


    Re: Drexia's Leathers and Miscellany
    « Reply #13 on: April 18, 2007, 01:40:23 pm »
    //Mixafix and bpejsa, I sent PMs to each of you.


    Re: Drexia's Leathers and Miscellany
    « Reply #14 on: April 20, 2007, 09:30:51 pm »
    *manages to find a place to put her reply* If you are still in need of silk, thread, or lion hide please let me know. I can usually be found around Hempstead.

    Aiek Lo'Sashaian


    Re: Drexia's Leathers and Miscellany
    « Reply #15 on: April 22, 2007, 02:06:16 pm »
    As my listing states, I am not buying these items, as I cannot afford to spend the True on them. However, should you wish to buy an item from me, I accept such things as partial payment.


    Re: Drexia's Leathers and Miscellany
    « Reply #16 on: May 14, 2007, 12:32:26 pm »
    *sighs and mutters about the state of affairs where people can't afford quality leather, moves her advertisement to the top of the bulletin board*


    Re: Drexia's Leathers and Miscellany
    « Reply #17 on: June 01, 2007, 11:47:34 pm »
    The price on the panther cloak has my interest.  Kenelm Alan[/i]  *Kenelm writes in a short description of himself.*  // Warning: Kenelm may try to haggle the price down some.
    Still on hiatus.  I'm sure my original characters are long gone, too.

