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Author Topic: Cleaning out some chests  (Read 447 times)


Cleaning out some chests
« on: January 03, 2008, 11:00:57 am »
*A poster is placed *

I'm cleaning out some chests , maybe some can use things .

Make your reasonable bids here .

A few cloaks :

Cloak of Fortification +1 ( sold to Mister Shiff )

//Lvl Req : 10 , +1 a.c. deflection , +1 universal saving throws , Electrical resistance 10/-

Cloak of Fortification +2 ( sold to  Miss Ferrit )

// lvl. req . 14 , +2 a.c. deflection , +2 universal saving throws .

Cloak of resistance +1

// lvl. req . 5 , universal saving throws +1 .

Cloak of resistance + 2

//+2 universal saves , lvl req : 9

Emerald set in bronze amulet .

//+1 universal saves . lvl req : 5

Some boots :

Fezeeaka's slippers of alertness .( on hold for mister Trith )

// lvl req . 9 , a.c. dodge +1 , electrical resistance 10/- , listen and tumble +4 .

Boots of the Sun Soul +1 .

// lvl . req . 3 , monk only , a.c . dodge +1 .

Boots of Striding +2 .( sold )

//lvl. req. 9 , constitution +2

Stones boots of protection .

// lvl. req. 9 , a.c. dodge +1 , acid resistance 10/- ,concentration and discipline +4 .

Boots of Hardiness +2 .( on hold for Mister Bjornigard )

// lvl . req . 14 , a.c. dodge +2 , constitution +2 .

Some belts :

Belt of Eluding .

// lvl . req . 12 , reflex saving-throw +2 , Hide Move Silently Tumble +3 , Expeditious retreat 1/ day .

DORAND'S BRACE ( sold to mister Shiff )

// lvl . req . 13 , +2 strength , concentration  discipline +2 .

Misc .

Lesser ioun stone : dusty Rose .

// lvl req . 14 , a.c. deflection +1 .

+2 rapier : Silver Foil .( sold to Mister Shiff )

// lvl req . 18 , Duelist Rogue Weaponmaster only , Parry +5 spell Cats Grace ( 10 ) 1 / day , spell Freedom of movement ( 7 ) 1 / day .

Greater Lady' s gift .( sold to M'Lady Sala )

// lvl req . 19 , a.c. +3 armor , cleric sorc wiz only , concentration heal lore spell craft +4 .

Bow of the guardian .

// lvl req . 15 , longbow , attack bonus +2 , Bonus feat : alertness , Mighty +1 , spot +5 , spell True Strike 1 / day .

Some scrolls :

Ball Lightning .

Holy Sword .

Summon creature 4 .( on hold for mister Steel )

Summon creature 5 .( on hold for mister Steel )

// Bids that stand for more then 2 days RL end the bid on an item .


Re: Cleaning out some chests
« Reply #1 on: January 05, 2008, 07:54:14 am »
I bid 5,000 trues for the scroll of Power Word Stun.


Lareth Vathach


Re: Cleaning out some chests
« Reply #2 on: January 19, 2008, 06:36:20 am »
*jack wanders up strugggling to put his note on the board in the end he taps one the larger fellows on the back of his legs and gets him to place it on the board for him*

Thats cloaks mes gives yous fours thousands trues fors Mr's


Re: Cleaning out some chests
« Reply #3 on: January 19, 2008, 12:16:24 pm »
Quote from: Riven
*message left for Barion*
I haunted the temple, but could not find you, so I have handed 1000 true to your daughter Abigail, as I see her more frequently than you (at the Orc Basher's Shop). If you are satisfied with the price for the amulet, please give to her, and I will receive it from her.
Ye have my thanks,

I'll have the amulet in the care of Miss Abigail , feel free to pick it up when you see her .



Re: Cleaning out some chests
« Reply #4 on: January 22, 2008, 11:40:08 am »
*Barion updates the posters with new items and changes the time for bids to stand to end the bidding *

//could those that have bid and gotten their items please remove their posts ? Want to keep the tread clean . Thank you :)


Re: Cleaning out some chests
« Reply #5 on: January 22, 2008, 10:00:57 pm »
*Shiff Grins when he see's Ark's bid is gone, and takes down his own, though his bid remains with 45,000 for the Sword and 35,000 for the Belt, 2,000 for the Stone and 3,000 For the Cloak*


Re: Cleaning out some chests
« Reply #6 on: January 23, 2008, 01:02:36 am »
35,000 for the boots of hardiness +2



Re: Cleaning out some chests
« Reply #7 on: January 23, 2008, 01:51:58 am »
*scratches hair, wondering what 'reasonable' would be*
Well, not knowing the going rates, i'll just have to bid what I got!

1500 for stoney boots
1500 for protection cloak (not fortification)

//anyone know what level of UMD would allow a rogue to wear Boots of Sun Soul +1?


Re: Cleaning out some chests
« Reply #8 on: January 23, 2008, 08:58:51 am »
A red haired woman walks by in the heat of the debate over prices and tacks a small notice to Barion's list for him to read.
 Peeking one might see the words - Consider, Donation, charity, raffle, school and Foundation.


Re: Cleaning out some chests
« Reply #9 on: January 25, 2008, 10:16:37 am »
Quote from: Serissa
I'd like to have the Greater Lady's Gift.  I offer 8,000 trues.
 Sala Stonehill

Congratulations M'Lady , your bid stood long enough .

Please work with me to find a time to finalise the trade .

Barion .

//A tell when you see me on or a pm with a time we can meet .


Re: Cleaning out some chests
« Reply #10 on: January 25, 2008, 10:19:04 am »
Quote from: miltonyorkcastle
One thousand True for the two summoning scrolls.


Congratulation Sir . your bid stood long enough .

Please work with me to find a time to finalise the trade


//a tell when i'm on or a pm with a time to meet .


Re: Cleaning out some chests
« Reply #11 on: January 25, 2008, 10:22:35 am »
Quote from: Erik K
*Marcus walks up and examines the list*

Good sir, I will offer you 1500 true for the boots of striding 2

Congratulations un-known bidder , your bid stood long enough .

Please work with me to find a time to finalise the trade .


//A tell when i'm on or a pm with a time we can meet .


Re: Cleaning out some chests
« Reply #12 on: January 25, 2008, 10:28:21 am »
Quote from: Serissa
I offer 5,000 trues for Dorand's Brace, and another 5,000 for a cloak of fortification II.
 Ferrit Pandorn

M'Lady Ferrit .

If your bid for the cloak still stands , its yours .

If it does , please work with me to find a time to finalise the trade .


// A tell when i'm on or a pm with a time to meet .


Re: Cleaning out some chests
« Reply #13 on: January 25, 2008, 10:42:31 am »
Quote from: major6
1000 for Fezeeakas slippers


Congratulations Sir , your bid stood long enough .

Please work with me to find a time to finalise the trade .


//A tell when you see me on or a pm with a time to meet .


Re: Cleaning out some chests
« Reply #14 on: January 25, 2008, 03:05:50 pm »
Requesting that all that were out bid or who have gotten their items would delete their messages , this to keep the tread clean .

Thanks , Jan


Re: Cleaning out some chests
« Reply #15 on: January 25, 2008, 03:18:12 pm »
Thanks fer the good deal!

-Bjornigar Ironguts


Re: Cleaning out some chests
« Reply #16 on: January 25, 2008, 05:18:25 pm »
// with "reasonable " , i'm relaying on your own common sense .

i'm thinking that if people want to bid on +2 items , they would have thought about what the normal +2 items cost from the stores and guilds and bid around that amount .

if the bids are way to low i'll donate the items that aren't sold to charity .

i have let a few bids stand that were too low and was rightfully contacted by a few long time players telling that it was far below the prices it should have brought in .

When i have time i'll look over the items with the lens of pricing and put those numbers after the items so all have an idea about the rough value of the things .



Re: Cleaning out some chests
« Reply #17 on: January 26, 2008, 02:51:11 am »
*Riven's Note Updated*
Cloak of Protection +2 - I bid 2,000
Stones Boots - I bid 3,000
- Riven

// interested in what the pricing lens gives these, but i'm updating to these prices for now since you sold a cloak of fortification +2 for 5k (which leads me to believe a cloak of prot +2, or a cloak of resistance +2, may be reasonably  sold at 2k, or both powers together in a cloak of fort +2 at 5k?). And I noticed Frezaakis Slippers sold at 1k, and they look to be of same value as stones boots, which I uped to 3k. Still probably far lower than their value, so please educate me with lens pricing if these bids are still not "reasonable". (I originally  made my offers based on both what I saw others biding and what I can afford)


Re: Cleaning out some chests
« Reply #18 on: January 29, 2008, 10:48:04 am »
Quote from: lonnarin
50,000 true for the boots of Hardiness +2

-Bjornigar Ironguts

Congratulations Mister Bjornigar , your bid stood long enough .

Please work with me to find a time to finalise the trade .

Barion .

// A tell when i'm on or a pm with a time to meet .


Re: Cleaning out some chests
« Reply #19 on: February 18, 2008, 08:47:20 pm »
I bid 5,000 for the Ioun stone, if its still avalable.

There can be only One.

