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Author Topic: Swashbucklers Sabre  (Read 45 times)

Jilseponie Wyndon

Swashbucklers Sabre
« on: May 14, 2006, 05:10:19 pm »
Upon close examination of this beautiful sabre I found, it was kept in remarkable shape.  Not only will this wonderfully crafted sword assist in your defense, but will help you block those nasty blows that seem to aim for the tender parts of ones anatomy.  One highly skilled in this type of weapon should wield it easily.  If you are interested in looking this weapon over or purchasing it, send me a letter or a bird and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

~ Jil Valhaikor

// AC Bonus +1, Enhancement Bonus +1, Parry +4
// Level Req. 12  Price Lens states 12,000.  Negotiable

* Item Donated

