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Author Topic: A belt for those that toy with magical devices  (Read 110 times)


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    A belt for those that toy with magical devices
    « on: January 10, 2007, 09:22:17 pm »
    I've recently made two crag cat belts that will help with one's skill at faking the necessary abilities to use magical devices such as wands and scrolls. One I'll be keeping myself, but I'm offering the other one up for sale. I have the leather to make three more attempts. Not sure what exactly the belt is worth, make an offer.


    //Belt of the crag cat, Use Magic Device +2
    I'm guessing only a rogue or bard would want this as those are the only classes that can take points in UMD


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      Re: A belt for those that toy with magical devices
      « Reply #1 on: January 11, 2007, 09:26:34 pm »
      *moves his post back to the top and adds a note*

      I now have three of these fine belts for sale and would prefer not to give more business to the pawnshop. I've seen the kind of mark-up that guy does.