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Author Topic: Need two spells  (Read 152 times)


Need two spells
« on: March 06, 2009, 07:24:58 am »
I am looking to buy two spells UNDEATH TO DEATH and FLAME ARROW best prices paid. Please contact  Mr.Serg Antrious


Re: Need two spells
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2009, 07:50:22 am »
Mr. Antrious,

The Angels guild can scribe these spells, and a wide variety of additional enchantments for you, all at competitive rates.  If you would like to place the order with us, please contact any of the guild members to do so

Gala (Galathea) Arnaduillae
Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir
Snagnor Hornblower
Jil (Jilseponie) Kendall
Aerimor Lightbringer
Lance Merrrick
Kyle & Ferrit Pandorn
Ben (Benjamin) Poetr
Dalan Stoneaxe
Jako Stonehill
Essa (Hedessa) Tanario
Lareth Vathach
Elohanna Dawnstar

~Lareth Vathach~

p.s. We also offer a discount for multiple orders


Re: Need two spells
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2009, 03:18:30 am »
Thankyou I shall
Yours Sincerely

