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Author Topic: Xorandium Trading Company- Business partner wanted  (Read 69 times)


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    Xorandium Trading Company- Business partner wanted
    « on: June 09, 2006, 01:43:41 pm »
    * A Long parchment is nailed to the board and written on it, in a bold and almost obnoxiously calligraphic script, is the following: *

    Xorandium Trading Company

    I, Nordibup Nifzan, Collector & Creator Extraordinaire, am looking for a brave, young, strong person to join me in the crafting and selling of all manner of items both magical and mundane. For the creative adventurer this is a prime opportunity to explore and craft and turn a profit along the way.
    Interested parties please leave a post bellow this one explaining, briefly, what you have to offer regarding this endeavor.

    Nord Nifzan

    (// I am looking for a character who can mine ore, who is relatively new [lvl. 1-6], and who is willing to make at least a small commitment to this business. I am generally on in the evenings, 7:00 to 12:00 EDT. You must be able to play during this time so that we can meet and exchange goods and ideas in-game. Thanks, E-Beast)


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      Re: Xorandium Trading Company- Business partner wanted
      « Reply #1 on: June 09, 2006, 02:04:46 pm »
      *a letter that is given to the bar keep that was told to be given to Nord the Gnome*

      Dear, Mr. Nord the Gnome

      I, Demetri Tolbit, would like to join you in your marketing, trading, money making scheme. However I do not fit into your requirements. I am brave yes, but I am relatively weak, and I do believe I am older then you. I can offer things, and information on where things are. I can do some tailoring stuff, and I have been buliding traps since I was just a wee young lad and was as tall as you. I also try my hand at anything if I have the parts/ components/ stuff I need.

      Hope you consider me,
      None other then Demetri Tolbit

      // Skills
      // lvl 7 cooking
      // lvl 4 tailoring
      // lvl 5 tinkering
      // lvl 3 alchemy
      // lvl 2 gem crafting
      // character lvl 8 rouge


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        Re: Xorandium Trading Company- Business partner wanted
        « Reply #2 on: June 09, 2006, 02:21:40 pm »
        * Added to the bottom of the parchment is the following: *

        Demetri, your request is being considered.

        Nord Nifzan


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          Re: Xorandium Trading Company- Business partner wanted
          « Reply #3 on: June 12, 2006, 01:39:25 pm »
          This offer is still open. Please reply if you are interested.


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            RE: Xorandium Trading Company- Business partner wanted
            « Reply #4 on: July 02, 2006, 03:00:47 pm »
            i may be of some use, i can help, trade equips, get ore, wood, etc.

            //O.O.C. info:

            //Food Crafting: 8 (mmm high)
            //Wood Crafting: 3 (good chances due to dex)
            //str 14, dex 22, con 12, int 13, wis 8, cha 8.

            //LVL: (5) Fighter / (3) wizard

            (maybe i can train a bit)


            Re: Xorandium Trading Company- Business partner wanted
            « Reply #5 on: July 02, 2006, 04:17:32 pm »
            A small note is left in a rounded, simple script.

            I can mine well, and need gold. You can find me in Hlint, or send a letter by hawk.

            * Lora of the Fearshield tribe of Krashin