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Author Topic: Eander's arrows and more  (Read 236 times)


Eander's arrows and more
« on: July 27, 2007, 03:00:24 pm »
*this note is posted in most of the Inns at Mistone aswell as in some merchanthouses and town gates, below it there is a description of Eander*


I am selling the following things, if you are interested in any of them just leave me a note at the Wild Surge Inn (//PM) or below my note (//post reply) or send me a bird (//or a tell) if you have not the luck to meet me!

Arrows make orders please:
Copper tipped hickory arrows - 475True per quiver
Bronze tipped hickory arrows - 950True per quiver

NEW --->Oak Arrows - to be requested

You can choose your prfered feather type! (Raven, Falcon or Stirge)

NEW --->Iron Longsword, hardly used - 1250True
NEW --->Copper Star Shield - 40True
NEW --->Ring "The Designer" - 350True
Copper twohanded sword - 75True
Bracers of the Scout - 950True //AC+1,Darkness 1/day,camouflage 3 uses
Box of Aloe - 2000True (One box available)
Scroll Identify - 150True
Scroll Blessing - 300True
Sawdust, hickory and oak for real low price, just ask me and we will come to an arrangement!

I may be willing to trade for a box of clay for 500true, but that depends on my demand!

Eander Shalynn


Re: Eander's arrows and more
« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2007, 06:15:37 pm »
I would like to take a box of aloe, and mayhap many a dust of greenstone if that can be done. As well as twenty pouches of hickory sawdust.

--Godim Harjumaa


Re: Eander's arrows and more
« Reply #2 on: July 28, 2007, 08:12:55 am »
I will take all of the oak sawdust that you have.


Lareth Vathach

**A short description of Lareth follows**


Re: Eander's arrows and more
« Reply #3 on: July 28, 2007, 08:29:20 am »
I am afraid that I cant help you with the Greenstonedust, but I will hold back the box of aloe for you aswell as the sawdust.

As soon as I meet Lance I will have about 15 pouches oak dust aswell.


Re: Eander's arrows and more
« Reply #4 on: July 28, 2007, 10:04:45 am »
*An elegant note is posted under the original note in the Inn. It was written with a flowing, elven style*

I see tht you are making good sales, my boy. I really hope that you are doing well. *at this point, the style change* AND I HOPE THAT YOU ARE NOT EATING THOSE HORRIBLE DRIED RATIONS!!! THEY ARE BAD FOR YOUR HEALTH!!!

With great concern, always your friend (and cook, hehe), Eliza.


Re: Eander's arrows and more
« Reply #5 on: July 29, 2007, 04:38:28 am »
*smiles amused as he reads the last reply, before leaving to gather more wood and aloe he edits his note and whispers to himself* Thanks for business Godim and appologies for the oxen, but this house is just build of stone as any other house, isnt it?


Re: Eander's arrows and more
« Reply #6 on: August 05, 2007, 07:50:00 am »


Re: Eander's arrows and more
« Reply #7 on: August 05, 2007, 08:22:01 am »
I would like some oak and hickory sawdust, I shall contact thou as soon as possible.

--Godim Harjumaa