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Author Topic: Eggs & Fine Bags For Sale  (Read 41 times)


Eggs & Fine Bags For Sale
« on: February 19, 2007, 05:53:41 am »
For Sale: Eggs, 1 box (35 count) - 3000 True Crag skin Bags, 2 (40% Weight Reduction) - 4500 True each  Contact Treana Min E'Zoenna either by message sent by bird or other post to 259 Haft Lake, Prantz, or in person. Look for a humn female in her thirties with shoulder-length aquamarine colored hair, slightly pointed ears, and green eyes with flecks of gold.


Re: Eggs & Fine Bags For Sale
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2007, 08:49:14 am »
Ill take the eggs.



RE: Eggs & Fine Bags For Sale
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2007, 10:11:44 am »
I regret to inform you the egss have already been sold.  My apologies.  If you don't mind a bit of a wait, I can gather another box for you.

