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Author Topic: Bitter Bard's Bounty (10K Table)  (Read 153 times)


Bitter Bard's Bounty (10K Table)
« on: September 26, 2009, 12:28:56 am »
*After a few too many ales, Flynn stands up and leaves the tavern without an explanation*

*He returns a few minutes later dragging a large canvas soiled with blood and ale. Piled on the canvas is a pile of trinkets glittering in the dim tavern candle light*

*with a slight slurr...*

"I not know what des shinies be worth, but me pockets is filling. Can't even find me bed roll no more."

*He proceeds to take the items from the canvas and places them on one of the tavern tables.*

"10,000 true for anything on ere lads. Just leave the true and take what ya bought."

// Items on the table

 Ring of Eagles
     +2 CHR

Ring of Defenders
    5/ - (Cold, Electric, Fire, Magic)

Peasant Dynasty
     Kama, +1 To Hit, 5/- (Acid, Cold, Electric, Fire)

Dragonscale Bracers
    Immunity Fire 5%, CHR +1, INT +1, +4 Concentration, Spellcraft +2

 Enchanted Mithril Ore
    Energy Buffer (20 times)

Bracers of Defense
    +2 AC

    Bastard Sword, +3 against chaotic, +1 tohit

Cloak of Protection
    +2 AC (Deflect)

Padded Armor
    +3 AC

  *Flynn returns to his rather worn stool at the bar waving his hand at the pile of treasure on the table, downs a rather large ale, and lays his face down in an empty plate of gravy*


Re: Bitter Bard's Bounty (10K Table)
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2009, 12:40:28 am »
*Wren who by random chance was drinking in the same tavern calls out to Flynn*
 Flynn! you are drunk mate, most of that stuff is worth five times what you are asking or more. Put that stuff away and come drink with me you can try this merchant thing again when you are sober.


Re: Bitter Bard's Bounty (10K Table)
« Reply #2 on: September 26, 2009, 12:52:07 am »
//Can we request anything?  I'd like the belt of eluding


Re: Bitter Bard's Bounty (10K Table)
« Reply #3 on: September 26, 2009, 03:40:58 am »
*A small hooded figure walks in the inn, dressed in white and red. A familiar figure to Flynn. As she notice the bloodied parchment, she comes in and whispers to his ear*


Re: Bitter Bard's Bounty (10K Table)
« Reply #4 on: September 26, 2009, 03:54:04 am »
*Jaelle wanders by and seems to take a shine to the Dreamer's Mask*

Well, you may be drunk ... but I'll take this one.

*She picks it up with a smile*


Re: Bitter Bard's Bounty (10K Table)
« Reply #5 on: September 26, 2009, 03:56:45 am »
*Log walks up to Flynn with two mugs of ale*

Ye look like ye could use eh drink lad.

*He gives Flynn a pad on the back and puts down one of the mugs in front of Flynn. Then he takes a swig of his own ale and looks at the items spread around in front of him.*

Ae'll take the goyle boots off o yer 'ands.


Re: Bitter Bard's Bounty (10K Table)
« Reply #6 on: September 26, 2009, 07:11:15 am »
I'd like to take the Bow of the Guardian.

*Ni'haer drops the sack full of trues on the table*


Re: Bitter Bard's Bounty (10K Table)
« Reply #7 on: September 26, 2009, 08:46:13 am »
I'll take the sunlight sling, Flynn, and give you a couple of raise dead scrolls to boot.  Shouldn't take too much advantage of your 'condition'.
 Sala Stonehill


Re: Bitter Bard's Bounty (10K Table)
« Reply #8 on: September 27, 2009, 05:45:49 am »
*A small elven woman, dressed all in red, looks at the silver foil and places the money on the table. She lifts the sword and flexes it expertly.*
 This'll dae me jist fine, thanks.
 She scribbles this underneath, as an afterthought.
 Ah wid like tae bye yer ores as well, maybe all o' them. Let me know.