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Author Topic: Exceptional ring for sale  (Read 70 times)

Grid Blader

Exceptional ring for sale
« on: August 02, 2006, 05:32:47 am »
I have a exceptioal ring of wisdom for sale, I am starting the bidding at 12,000.  I also have other rings of lesser powers.  I got rings of all kinds.  Ones that will make you stronger, smarter, wiser, beter blance, and more.  Those will be sold at 2,000 for each.



Re: Exceptional ring for sale
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2006, 06:27:45 am »
*Freldo raises an eyebrow*

Wisdom comes with a price tag?  Oh joyous day!

Twelve thousand!


Re: Exceptional ring for sale
« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2006, 07:34:20 am »
SuperMunch - 8/2/2006  9:27 AM  *Freldo raises an eyebrow*  Wisdom comes with a price tag?  Oh joyous day!  Twelve thousand!
 // In an elvish hand in the margin:  Kyelaweli ilckyilala steliala kyeanir il tymesta anilv  // Translation for those who can read Drow: Wisdom always comes with a price tag


Re: Exceptional ring for sale
« Reply #3 on: August 02, 2006, 12:28:53 pm »
*Freldo finds it strange that he's the only one bidding on the ring.*

Intresting, only auction I participate in and I'm the only bidder, there must be something really wrong with Quantum's price.

Might as well withdraw my bid.

Honestly, if I'm the only one bidding only two things occur to me:

1 - Everybody has an exceptional ring of wisdom
2 - Q's a greedy guy and has set a really high opening bid.

If it's number 1, these rings are too easy to make and 12,000 is too much for them.
If it's number 2, Q's a very greedy guy.  :)

Either way, I am withdrawing my bid.

Grid Blader

Re: Exceptional ring for sale
« Reply #4 on: August 02, 2006, 03:01:15 pm »
Oh yes the ring does come with a price.  Freldo, I set the price on my works of art.  If you dont like the prices then find some were eles to buy.


Re: Exceptional ring for sale
« Reply #5 on: August 02, 2006, 03:03:05 pm »
I'll give ya 12k for that ring.

- Jade

Grid Blader

Re: Exceptional ring for sale
« Reply #6 on: August 02, 2006, 03:40:43 pm »
*walks by and sees the note*

Ahh sold...

*rips the paper down*