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Author Topic: Armor and Weapons for Sale  (Read 141 times)

Dorax Windsmith

Armor and Weapons for Sale
« on: June 07, 2005, 11:56:00 am »
I have a few items that I no longer need.  These could be useful to some.  I am always willing to take any offer, and trades are welcome too.  Send me a bird or post a note.

Copper Full Plate
Iron Half Plate
Iron Chain Shirt
Bronze Heater Shield

Iron Heavy Mace
Iron Warhammer
Iron Bastard Sword

Dorax Windsmith (Dwarven Fighter)


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    RE: Armor and Weapons for Sale
    « Reply #1 on: December 06, 2005, 11:55:00 pm »
    I am interested in the Iron armors.

    Do you still have them?

    // also, can you provide a level req. please?


    Shrubbery Skene