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Author Topic: Looking for Brownie, Dwarf, Gnome, and Halfling business partners.  (Read 207 times)


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    *Written out on brown parchment with a silvery ink.*

    Fellow Children of the Earth.

    Me and other Halfling friends have been talking about establishing a new business. We were looking to get into the lacking 'common goods' market which has either vastly over priced items, or no items at all. So I just thought I would run down the basic business plan with you all.

    First, what we make.

    A large amount of consumables such as various healing potions, Holy Water, food stuffs, tools, oils, arrows and traps.

    What we need.

    A production base first and foremost. While we all ready have the skilled labor for making these materials. We do not currently have the work force it takes to supply the raw and worked materials to make these items in sufficient quantities.

    Second, inventory storage and sales space. With out a place to stock raw materials, and finished products, it is quite hard to work on making all the glass flask, timber shafts, and ingots that we need. As such our ability to manufacture in higher quantity is further limited. So the basic idea is to put one hundred percent of our profits into buying a building which we can use for these purposes.

    Finally, what the business is.

    I was hoping to establish a not for profit company. One that we could use to buy ourselves housing, and also help contribute to the upcoming plan to establish a new place for the Children of the Earth. Ultimately it would be an employee owned business, by us, for us.

    In closing.

    It all comes down to this, we need miners, loggers, tinkers, and various other skills. There is also a tremendous need for 'support labor.' ( I.E. People to help the miners and loggers get to, and safely retrieve the raw materials.)

    I'm hoping that with a few more of you we can hope to start making and selling goods with in the next 105 days. ( RL Time, one week.) And can honestly hope to have our first piece of property bought within two years. (RL Time, about forty five days.)

    So I hope you all who are interested would seek out myself, and we could then talk about what you would like to do, and what kind of work we need done. Thanks  a lot.

    -Signed, Uilliam SeeksPeace.

    // There are quite a lot of details to be worked out on this. So do not take it has a definite, more as a early stages of planning. There are also some rules of Layonara, as far has guilds are concerned, that I and the others need to look over more, and talk to the Dms about before going ahead with this. For the most part, this is just to see how many people would be interested in being apart of this idea, and are willing to put in the work, which there will be a lot of.

