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Author Topic: For Rent  (Read 96 times)


For Rent
« on: March 02, 2007, 12:12:09 pm »
One roomy bedroom in the nice and very safe Haft Lake district near Prantz.
The bedroom can hold a large bed, several crates, furniture, and still have room to move around. It comes with a dressing screen and a wash bucket.
Communal areas are a nice bathroom, big kitchen, and big living room and a chest room for extra storage, all furnished. There is a covered shed and the house is right near the lake so horses and oxen have fresh water and grass.
Price will be discussed with individuals and the owner reserves the right to refuse an applicant. Theft of any kind is grounds for immediate eviction. This is an honest household.
People with kids are okay if the kids are pretty well behaved.
Also applicants should not hate Toran as there is one Toranite in and out.  Or Rofirein.  Or gnomes.
Leave me a message here or send me a bird if you're interested.
~Honora who is half an orc so if that bothers you then this is not the place either.


RE: For Rent
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2007, 12:14:38 pm »

I wish to discuss an arrangement to rent a room in your home.

In service of the Longstrider,
Ardelis Rukrym



RE: For Rent
« Reply #2 on: March 03, 2007, 04:26:08 am »
Although I may be interested in renting a room in your house, this would depend very much upon the price you are asking. Please contact me by bird or post so that we may set up a meeting time to discuss the details.

Sincerely yours,
Arynne Liadon

post script -- If my character is a concern, I would be happy to provide you with several names of people willing to act as references.


Re: For Rent
« Reply #3 on: March 16, 2007, 08:30:56 am »
*The message is pinned back at the top, and modified to show one room rented*


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Re: For Rent
« Reply #4 on: March 16, 2007, 02:40:13 pm »

I am interested in discussing your room to rent.  As a paladin of Rofirein, I have no objections to Toranites or fellow Rofireinites.  In fact, I will likely call them friends once properly met.

Regarding races of gnomes or half-orcs, it is the path one chooses between law and chaos, light and dark that has the potential to bother me, not what race someones mother and father happens to be.

However, in light of the current company you describe, I sense there is no such worry for discomfort if I join your current rentors.

I will endeavor to contact you in person as quickly as possible.

Rofirein's will be done;


Paladin and Knight of the Wyrm