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Author Topic: Exceptional Diamond Ring Auction!!!!!  (Read 47 times)


Exceptional Diamond Ring Auction!!!!!
« on: November 28, 2006, 04:01:24 am »
[SIZE=24]Exceptional Diamond ring Enchanted With Bears Endurance .  [/SIZE][SIZE=16]I am auctioning off this fine peice of Jewrly as i have no need for it anymore . Auction ends in three days time on the stroke of midnight . If there isnt enough interest in this fine piece of jewlry and the starting bid isnt meet , i shall take it off the market . [/SIZE] [SIZE=18]Starting bids 40000 trues[/SIZE]   [SIZE=16]// +2 to Constition. Ability to cast Bears endurance twice per day with caster level 3. Level req. 14.  Action closes 1st of december 12am Gmt[/SIZE]
[SIZE=16][SIZE=16][SIZE=24] Voon Loom[/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=16]


Re: Exceptional Diamond Ring Auction!!!!!
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2006, 04:22:40 pm »
*voon takes his note and returns it to the top of the board*

