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Author Topic: Advance notice of sale  (Read 275 times)


Advance notice of sale
« on: August 16, 2010, 09:50:09 pm »
The Angels Guild is preparing for a sale on Circle One through Six scrolls, including raise dead scrolls, to begin in two or three weeks. We plan to offer these for 25% off on individual scrolls, with a further 50% off on bundles of 10 identical scrolls as a special service for those who can't memorize the spell. Our usual quantity discounts and discount for providing all materials will also apply, although a bundle of identical scrolls will count as one item.


 Advance notice is being given for those who wish to begin accumulating barter credit, scroll materials, or coin. Please ask if you need to know what materials go into any particular scroll or scroll bundle.
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Advance notice of sale
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2010, 12:37:47 pm »






 Fill your scrollbook now or stock up on spells you can't memorize at extra-special prices! In addition, take advantage of our usual quantity discounts and/or discount for providing all materials. Get a chance to win an item to increase your intelligence!


  • First circle - 200
  • Second circle - 250
  • Third circle - 500
  • Fourth circle - 1250
  • Fifth circle - 2525
  • Sixth circle - 5050
  • Raise Dead - 6750
  • First circle - 1000 for 10 identical scrolls
  • Second circle - 1250 for 10 identical scrolls
  • Third circle - 2500 for 10 identical scrolls
  • Fourth circle - 6250 for 10 identical scrolls
  • Fifth circle - 12625 for 10 identical scrolls
  • Sixth circle - 25250 for 10 identical scrolls
  • Raise Dead - 33750 for 10 identical scrolls
  • 10% off for two items: an item being 1 scroll, 1 piece of merchandise, or 1 bundle of 10 identical scrolls
  • 15% off for three items: an item being 1 scroll, 1 piece of merchandise, or 1 bundle of 10 identical scrolls
  • 20% off for four or more items: an item being 1 scroll, 1 piece of merchandise, or 1 bundle of 10 identical scrolls
  • 50% off for any item for which all materials are provided at the time of purchase. (We cannot store items being accumulated for this discount.)


 Any customer purchasing one or more scrolls will receive one and only one entry in a drawing for a Headband of Intellect, Bracers of Sigil, and an intelligence ioun stone!


 Drawing for winners will be supervised by an impartial observer (DM). You need not be present to win. First number drawn will have first choice of items, limited by a reasonable notification period of two weeks. Second number drawn will have second choice, and third number drawn will receive the remaining prize.




 //Length of the sale is at the discretion of the guild. Our present intentions are to end it in one RL month and hold the drawing soon thereafter.