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Author Topic: Mithril Bastard Sword wanted  (Read 40 times)


Mithril Bastard Sword wanted
« on: April 13, 2011, 08:23:25 pm »
*Chaynce tacks up a notice in the craft halls near the advanced forges*


Finely crafted mithril bastard sword. Dwarven  Voraxian crafting preferred but not necessary.

Please let me know the price of such an exquisite blade.

I can gather anything you might need in exchange.

My Thanks,
Chaynce Baldu'muur
The Protector


Re: Mithril Bastard Sword wanted
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2011, 11:48:30 pm »
*A note it nailed to the notice in the Tilmar masters crafting hall*


I aint got no dwarven blood in me that I know of and Vorax don't got no claim on me.  That bein' said, I've run with some good folks who are Voraxians so I see were yere comin' from.

Give me the materials bein 6 ingots and I'll charge ya 50k trues.  If I gota go gettem then yer lookin' at 80k trues.  Me supplies been all used up fer the war effort so means an extra trip.

If you got ginsing, bodaks teeth, er purple mushrooms I'll deduct 5k trues per box on my offer.

I'm sure you'll like the balance and edge once its finished.


