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Author Topic: Oak and Mahogany longbows auction  (Read 106 times)


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    Oak and Mahogany longbows auction
    « on: October 13, 2005, 05:14:00 pm »
    *posts a note in Hlint's, Port Hampshire, and Pranzis' crafthalls*

    i have 2 bows for sale, both of which are quite nice.

    the first is a compound oak longbow, with a little modification on it (//mighty +2).  this fine compound oak longbow will do extra damage due to the strengthen platinum wires and gears that i have added to it.  starting price is 15,000 gold.

    the second is a compound mahogany longbow.  this fine bow will start off at 20,000 gold.

    place your bids now.  i will announce the ending of the auction in due time. //sunday morning, 10/16, at 10 am pst.

    all gold proceeds will be donated to the guard captain of Pranzis.  i have traveld far and wide and have witnessed Blood's and Milara's troops are about.  i do not wish Pranzis to become like the city of Arabel.  hence, i wish to help replenish Pranzis' supply of gold so that the city may train more soldiers to protect the well populated city.  if the bows are not sold by sunday, i will donate the bows to the captain and hope that they will aide him at arming his archers.

    annie kova


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      RE: Oak and Mahogany longbows auction
      « Reply #1 on: October 16, 2005, 11:42:00 am »
      *takes off the note*

      *seems like no one wants to buy the bows*

      *off to the Pranzis captain i go*

