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Author Topic: Gorgon Horns, Rat Skins, Cotton, White Mushrooms  (Read 273 times)


Gorgon Horns, Rat Skins, Cotton, White Mushrooms
« on: May 16, 2008, 10:51:13 am »
A young female wemic lion-taur sits by the road between Fort Wayfare and Hempstead. She blows lightly into a makeshift reed panpipes, creating a cascading melody of windy tunes. Her bright eyes sparkle mischieviously at you.

Before her is an open-faced helm, turned over, with twenty-three True in it. Also in front of her are:

2 gorgon horns
2 boxes of Rat Skins
1 box of white mushrooms
1 Dire Rat Skin

You may notice her eyes narrow when horses are about, and her claws extend and retract, or her haunches quiver, as if wanting to leap up and tease them...

//Aka'ashi Horseteaser


Re: Gorgon Horns, Rat Skins, Cotton, White Mushrooms
« Reply #1 on: May 16, 2008, 11:27:16 am »
Ferrit walks up and points to the cotton, showing a belt with the power to improve musical ability.


Re: Gorgon Horns, Rat Skins, Cotton, White Mushrooms
« Reply #2 on: May 16, 2008, 12:54:59 pm »
Aka'ashi inspects the belt with great curiosity and enthusiasm. She puts it on, and her eyes widen as she detects the change in her musical talents. Leaping up she prances about, whirling and singing, till she gives a playful bow to her audience of one. She nods vigorously at Ferrit, pointing to the belt and motioning with open hands to the cotton.

"trade?" she says?

Then she pulls her chipped copper great sword out and sets it down. And displays a chip of bronze. Her arms spread in the universal questioning look, and she cocks her head quizzically at Ferrit.

"Where find?" and she nods towards the chip of bronze and the great sword.


Re: Gorgon Horns, Rat Skins, Cotton, White Mushrooms
« Reply #3 on: May 16, 2008, 02:08:00 pm »
"Hmm, pretty sure I have one," says Ferrit and beckons the lion-like creature to follow her to the Angels guild hall.


Re: Gorgon Horns, Rat Skins, Cotton, White Mushrooms
« Reply #4 on: May 16, 2008, 02:28:30 pm »
Grinning broadly, revealing sharp canines, Aka'ashi gathers her goods and gallumphs after Ferrit, prancing in excitement, her tail flicking as she follows. Her pace slows and she moves more gingerly and cautiously as she approaches the gate guards. It looks as if she shrinks a little, and keeps bumping into Ferrit as she passes through the gate, under the watchful eye of the guards.


Re: Gorgon Horns, Rat Skins, Cotton, White Mushrooms
« Reply #5 on: May 20, 2008, 02:41:48 pm »