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Author Topic: Grand Opening - the Saddlebag Pawn Barter Shop!  (Read 3358 times)


Re: Grand Opening - the Saddlebag Pawn Barter Shop!
« Reply #100 on: November 02, 2011, 11:23:49 pm »
Bron huffs and puffs his way into the Twin Dragon and collapses in an oversized chair. A few minutes later, and a few ales later he stomped on into the Saddlebag and laid down a Boots of Vivacity and Bracers of the Scouts.

"Credit, laddo, credit!"

And Bron whirls and lumbers off, eyes steady on the door.

Hey all,
please forgive Riven's vanishing act! And right in the middle of working to uberfy the saddlebag pawn. RL hit me a right hook that dropped me on the ground. I'm beginning to stand now. Hopefully I'll be back in force soon enough, and we'll do the move and uberfying of the saddlebag in good time.


Re: Grand Opening - the Saddlebag Pawn Barter Shop!
« Reply #101 on: November 04, 2011, 11:20:42 am »
*The woman in black and red looks around, then carefully selects a shield and leaves*
 //duchess took:
 70876 Enchanted Mithril Star Shield
 duchess left:
 28128 Padded Armour +3
 28136 Duergar Studded Leather Armour +3
 15132 Darkened Unicron Cloak
 7087 deposited as 10% fee and account balanced


Re: Grand Opening - the Saddlebag Pawn Barter Shop!
« Reply #102 on: November 05, 2011, 04:44:11 pm »
Taken panther cloak (510 true)
 left scroll M summon 2,  368 and MS 1, 256 and SDust Vorax 2,100
 left 52 true
 Foresta Fiveoaks


Re: Grand Opening - the Saddlebag Pawn Barter Shop!
« Reply #103 on: November 06, 2011, 09:15:30 pm »


Thank you very much!


Re: Grand Opening - the Saddlebag Pawn Barter Shop!
« Reply #104 on: November 20, 2011, 06:33:18 pm »
Saddlebag Pawn has Moved!

We are now located at 181 Haven.  This location is only temporary until we can get the final things to move to Port Hempstead fields, but in the meantime please come visit us in Haven.

Our prices are posted, but they are also can now be found in the store.  The prices can either be found on scrolls in the proper chest or written on the outside of the chest.  For example if a chest is labeled "Sage 57" Then the credit price or purchase price for that sage is 57 trues.

With that said, we are now taking CNR as well as normal pawn shop things.

Please keep in mind that we don't have room for lots of the same items, so please do not add an item to the chest if we already have two of that item.

Just either post on our logs if you do a transaction with us or send one of us a PM.  Just like before, drop 10% of your total transaction in the chest on your way out the door.

We look forward to seeing you at the new shop!


The Staff
Riven, Calylith, and Breanna

P.S. If you find that we are missing something that you would find useful to buy (meaning a chest for it to be placed), let me know and we'll get one.  ~~Caly