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Author Topic: Guda's collecting service.  (Read 120 times)


Guda's collecting service.
« on: August 20, 2009, 11:00:03 am »
*Posted in a the crafting halls in Port Hempstead, and Fort Vehl, and written in chicken scratch*

Now offering the following, and willing to collect other things if able, and requested. Merely leave a note, and we will see what we can do.  All things sold in full boxes. *Signed Riram Guda*

Skeleton knuckles-750 true
Corn-1900 true
Purple mushrooms- 2000 true
White mushrooms- 2000 true
 Aloe- 1250 true
Silk- 2750 true

Lance Stargazer

Re: Guda's collecting service.
« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2009, 11:10:08 am »
*As Lance pass and look at the poster, he quickly pens a note below it, in an elegant handwritting*

Sir Guda.

We'll be intrested in getting one box of Aloe from you. Send word when ready to deliver to Halflake 243, in Dregar, Or leave a note in the orcbasher guildshop if you are in the vecinity of Hempstead

~ Stargazer's house

*He then smiles a bit and moves to keep on his bussines muttering something about some of the trade and guilds coincil unfullfilled duties *

// Feel free to contact either Lance Stargazer or Iellwen IG, or PM me for the aloe delivered, We can work a time for meeting.