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Author Topic: Wanted: shafts of hickory, small casting molds  (Read 182 times)

Pen N Popper

Wanted: shafts of hickory, small casting molds
« on: January 04, 2006, 07:08:00 am »
Grabbing the passing halfing by the scruff of the neck, the half-giant carries him over to the message board in Hlint.  Feet dangling limply, the wee fellow quickly reaches beneath his cloak and withdraws a lavendar-scented bag of herbs.  Rolling his eyes, he presses the pouch against his nose.

"Pig!" A muffled cry escapes from the halfing. "If you're going to collect goblin ears, at least have the sense to scrape the other parts off of yourself.  Now put me down."

Koppig plops the fellow down in front of the board, patting him on the back with a thump.  "Yous is smarts," he says, pressing a dirty hand against the note-covered board. "Yous writer for Pig."

Rolling his eyes again, the halfling turns to the board and finds an old note to write on the back of.  "Alright, what are you after."

"You writings this:  Pig is lookering fors maker things.  Is maker throw axes for good smash.  Is hear needer shafts of hickory and littles for mold metals.  Pig not have lot shinies but strong for carry and smash."  Pig swings his maul along the ground as he says this, nearly sweeping the halfling off of his feet.

"Careful with that!" Skipping out of the way, the halfing continues to write for a moment before tacking the note up onto the board.  It reads:

Sirs and madams, the large brute known as "Pig" is seeking the components necessary to craft throwing axes.  Those with skill at shaping shafts of hickory and forming small molds, please seek him out.  (If you have sandpaper, you might suggest he keep some on hand for you wood workers.  I'm sure he'd welcome metals for smelting as well.)  He has few coins but offers instead his strong back and smashing ability.

((ooc:  If there are basic crafters out there looking for an outlet for their items, do seek me out.  It would be very OOC for my PC, Koppig Varken, to do too much crafting.  There seems to be enough carpenters and tinkers so stop by if you wish to ply your craft for an appreciative player.  Thanks!


RE: Wanted: shafts of hickory, small casting molds
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2006, 12:39:00 pm »
//I must offer my compliments on the way you're handling this... There are plenty of people (myself likely included) who would simply have the character spend more time to learn it for themself, as opposed to having other characters make it for them. This way's also a good deal more realistic, as well. Again, my compliments.

Pyyran, perusing the board for one of the very few times since the death of Ayla Binaeu, smiles at this notice. "Always smarter than you'd think, Pig... Got someone to write it for him." Nodding, his smile still in place, the adventurer pulls a stick of charcoal from one of the pouches at his belt, and scratches out a response in the bottom margin.

"For any who may run across Pig, please let him know that the adventurer Pyyran Rahth is more than willing to supply him with casting molds, if Pig would be willing to help him gather clay. My thanks. - Pyyran Rahth."


RE: Wanted: shafts of hickory, small casting molds
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2006, 12:52:00 pm »
//Pen n Popper, nicely posted man. :)  Good job.

Pen N Popper

RE: Wanted: shafts of hickory, small casting molds
« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2006, 04:39:00 am »
((ooc:  Apparently sandpaper is the item that is preventing people from crafting hickory shafts for my PC.  Please, if there is a low-level crafter looking to ply their trade making sandpaper, help me out.  I hear it is made with arabic gum(?).  I don't know the server well (ie. at all) so wouldn't be able to find this OOCly even given directions.

Pen N Popper

RE: Wanted: shafts of hickory, small casting molds
« Reply #4 on: January 09, 2006, 06:05:00 am »
((Thanks Talan Va'lash!  Today I saw my first shafts of hickory.

Pen N Popper

Re: Wanted: shafts of hickory, small casting molds
« Reply #5 on: January 23, 2006, 08:17:13 pm »

Judging by the smears of dirt on this note, it appears that a set of large sooty hands has made an attempt at rubbing the wrinkles out of the posted notice.  Other neighboring pieces of parchment have been none too gently moved aside.


RE: Wanted: shafts of hickory, small casting molds
« Reply #6 on: January 24, 2006, 02:15:53 am »
Spugly reads over there notes as he always dos (skipping the big words) then he sees Pigs note

Here FrogSnote comes looks at this Pigs has had some lernnings hes wights nows looks

Spugly looks stunded at the well rit note

Yosemite Sam

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    Re: Wanted: shafts of hickory, small casting molds
    « Reply #7 on: January 24, 2006, 01:02:11 pm »
    Micheal reads the note *sighs* I probably cant teach him to read.

    Micheal Mordicai