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Author Topic: Grohin Fire an' Lightning ... an' stuff  (Read 135 times)

Black Cat

Grohin Fire an' Lightning ... an' stuff
« on: January 03, 2007, 10:33:23 am »
//please don't post below... PM and Tells IG are fine. Don't post below as I'm trying to keep this thread clean and cannot delete others posts. Thanks you.//

*note on the boards*
[SIZE=18]All proize be negotiable if yer be reasonable[/SIZE]

//adds to the item level requirement

Fer yer blades or hammers:

- Enchant ov da second circle //adds 1d4 damage
Proice: 4'400 trues

- Enchant ov da third circle //adds 1d6 damage
Proice: 12'000 trues

- Enchant ov da fourth circle //adds 1d8 damage
Proice: 13'000 trues (if da rod is provided)
Proice: 22'000 trues (without rod)

Fer yer protection:

- Dusts ov elemental resistance
//adds 5/- resistance against elemental damage
Proice: 4'400 trues

- Greater Dusts ov elemental resistance //adds 10/- resistance against elemental damage
Proice: 13'000 trues (if da rod is provided)
Proice: 22'000 trues (without rod)

[SIZE=16]Items fer sale:[/SIZE]


- Jewelry ta up yer abilities made on order//ability ring +1
Proice: 2200 trues, 4000 fer a pair
Proice: 3300 trues fer an amulet
Proice: 5000 fer a complete set (2 ring, 1 amulet), in any combination

Most type ov ring can be made on order, be it a gem set in platty, silver, addy (if provided or have some available) ... or if ya provide it, Mithril.

[SIZE=16]Armors and clothes:[/SIZE]

- Gloves of the Scouts //+1 Dex, +2 Hide/MS/Listen/Spot/Parry
Proice: 3000 trues

- Crocodile Armor helps against da cold and stinky swamps //+2 vs. Cold/Disease, base AC 4
Proice: 3000 trues

- A lesser robe fer magiker
Proice: make an offer

- Anoder robe fer magiker //Lesser Lady's Gift: Robe +1 AC, +2 Concentration/Heal/Lore/Spellcraft
Proice: 4500 trues

- Boots of the Militia (got 2 pairs fer sell) //+1 con, +1 save (fort/wis)
Proice: 6000 trues (or to da best offer)

- Blue Suede Shoes //+1 cha, +1 des, +2 Perform and Tumble
Proice: 6000 trues (or to da best offer)

- Ascenders March (Boots) - fer ya Giant foightin' lad//+3 AC vs. Elemental/Giants, +2 AC vs. Goblinoid, lvl 14
Proice: 11000 trues (or to da best offer)

- Bracers of many needles ta stick loike da beast//Bracers allowing to send Manticore spikes 5 times
Proice: 500 trues


- A greatsword ta kill monsters //Last Defense, greatsword +1, +3 vs. monstruous
Proice: 6000 trues (or da best offer, ah got two ov those)

[SIZE=16]Books,scrolls and other stuff:[/SIZE]

- Book: 'To Be or Not to Become', fer wizards //25 charges, Casts: Fox's Cunning/Keen Edge/Slow.
Proice: 2500 trues (ah be considerin' any reasonable offer ta)

- Book: 'Fooled You', fer Singers or magickers //25 charges, Casts: Displacement/Imp. Invisibility/Silence.
Proice: 2500 trues (ah be considerin' any reasonable offer ta)

- Book: 'Permutations on Protection', fer Singers or Sorcerers //25 charges, Casts: Minor Globe of Invulnerability/Protection from Alignment.
Proice: 2500 trues (ah be considerin' any reasonable offer ta)

- Book: 'Skulldudgery', fer sneaky type //25 charges, Casts: Expeditious retreat/Find traps/Knock.
Proice: 2500 trues (ah be considerin' any reasonable offer ta)

Send me a bird (// PM or in game tell;[SIZE=18] DON'T[/SIZE] post below //) if yer interested. Ya can leave ah note bah 205 Castle Mask ta if ya wish.

*Written in dwarven under the above*

If ya be a dwarf ya might get a discount, loike

Grohin Silveraxe


Re: Grohin Fire an' Lightning ... an' stuff
« Reply #1 on: April 06, 2007, 01:25:33 pm »
10,000 jink for the third circle lightning enhancement and you got a deal.
- Kinai Kinsei


Re: Grohin Fire an' Lightning ... an' stuff
« Reply #2 on: April 16, 2007, 03:27:30 am »
I will pay you the 11,000 trade coins for your Ascenders March boots.  Please find me, and we make trade.

Nyeaeana Irylanam

Black Cat

Re: Grohin Fire an' Lightning ... an' stuff
« Reply #3 on: April 20, 2007, 11:05:33 am »
Quote from: Black Cat

- Glorious Mantle //Cloak, +3 AC vs. animal, +3 vs. Fear, +2 vs. cold/fire
Proice: 12000 trues

- Gloves of the Scouts //+1 Dex, +2 Hide/MS/Listen/Spot/Parry
Proice: 3000 trues

*adds things to the list*

Black Cat

Re: Grohin Fire an' Lightning ... an' stuff
« Reply #4 on: April 22, 2007, 07:22:52 am »
Quote from: Black Cat

- Bloody Lash //Whip, Wounding DC 16
Proice: 10000 trues (or da best offer)

*adds stuff on the list and puts it back on top*

Black Cat

Re: Grohin Fire an' Lightning ... an' stuff
« Reply #5 on: April 24, 2007, 11:39:07 am »
Quote from: Black Cat

- Healer hug //Belt, Cure Serious Wounds 1x/day
Proice: 9000 trues

*add a new item*


Re: Grohin Fire an' Lightning ... an' stuff
« Reply #6 on: April 24, 2007, 06:08:47 pm »
Save that healers hug for me. Thanks



Re: Grohin Fire an' Lightning ... an' stuff
« Reply #7 on: April 28, 2007, 09:06:17 am »
Sorry Grohin. I do not need that healers hug any more. I just picked one up while adventuring.



Re: Grohin Fire an' Lightning ... an' stuff
« Reply #8 on: April 28, 2007, 01:00:35 pm »
I would like to take the healer hug then please.


Black Cat

Re: Grohin Fire an' Lightning ... an' stuff
« Reply #9 on: May 06, 2007, 10:44:59 am »
Quote from: Black Cat
//please don't post below... PM and Tells IG are fine. Don't post below as I'm trying to keep this thread clean and cannot delete others posts. Thanks you.//

Fer yer protection:

- Greater Dusts ov elemental resistance: only if ya provide da crystal rod
//adds 10/- resistance against elemental damage
Proice: 14'000 trues (if da rod is provided)
Proice: 23'000 trues (without rod: 1 lightning available)

*updates the list*

Black Cat

Re: Grohin Fire an' Lightning ... an' stuff
« Reply #10 on: May 09, 2007, 03:08:05 pm »
Quote from: Black Cat
//please don't post below... PM and Tells IG are fine. Don't post below as I'm trying to keep this thread clean and cannot delete others posts. Thanks you.//

- Greater Dusts ov elemental resistance: only if ya provide da crystal rod
//adds 10/- resistance against elemental damage
Proice: 14'000 trues (if da rod is provided)
Proice: 23'000 trues (without rod)
- 1 electrical
- 1 fire

*puts up a new notice*

Black Cat

Re: Grohin Fire an' Lightning ... an' stuff
« Reply #11 on: May 12, 2007, 01:26:29 pm »

- Enchant ov da fourth circle: only if ya provide da crystal rod
Proice: 14'000 trues (if da rod is provided)
Proice: 23'000 trues (without rod)
- 1 foire

*adds a new weapon enchant to the list*

//Don't post here... send me a tell in game or a PM if you are interested

Black Cat

Re: Grohin Fire an' Lightning ... an' stuff
« Reply #12 on: May 23, 2007, 03:04:26 pm »
*adds new enchantment rods*

Black Cat

Re: Grohin Fire an' Lightning ... an' stuff
« Reply #13 on: June 02, 2007, 11:50:31 am »

- Healer's Hug 1 in stock //Cure criticall 1x/day
Proice: 10'000 trues

*adds new items*

Black Cat

Re: Grohin Fire an' Lightning ... an' stuff
« Reply #14 on: July 11, 2007, 12:14:29 pm »
- Exceptional Silver amulet set wit a Topaz fer ya sneaks

Come an' get it. Garantee' dwarven made


Re: Grohin Fire an' Lightning ... an' stuff
« Reply #15 on: July 13, 2007, 01:38:14 am »
Grohin.. do you still have the healers hug for sale? If so I'll buy it from you!

Look for Tegan

