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Author Topic: Looking to Trade  (Read 46 times)


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Looking to Trade
« on: June 06, 2006, 09:51:44 am »
*Neatly written and posted in the Wild Surge Inn, Krandor Inn, Fort Llast’s Toran Temple and Fort Valensk’s Rofirein Temple*

Greetings to all my good and brave friends of Mistone.  I am seeking to trade some items I have come across for an adamantium tower shield with either fire or electrical resistance (//the -10 resistance) and two advanced rings of strength (// the +2 variety).  

If a trade is not in your interest, we can discuss selling these items outright.

Here are the items:

Iron Dagger (2 of these)
Iron Longsword
Iron Greatsword
Iron Warhammer
Arrow, silver tipped, oak raven tail (20 of these)
Arrow, iron tipped, oak raven tail (20 of these)
Bolt, iron tipped, oak raven tail (20 of these)
Bolt, silver tipped, oak raven tail (20 of these)
Bow, Lesser Flight of Fancy

Star Dusts:
Kithairen - True Strike (2 of these)
Grand - Blood Frenzy
Goran - Keen Edge
Grannoch - Bull Strength
Dorand - Blade Barrier
Az’atta - Restoration
Aeridin - Aid
Aragen - Clarity (2 of these)
Deliar - Remove Curse (4 of these)
Vorax - Warcry

Other Items:
Gloves of Concentration
Ascender’s March Boots
Cloak of the Watchers
Walking Stick of the Heirophant

Please contact me by either messenger bird or leave a note for me at the temple in Valensk. (//PM).

In Dedicated Service to the All Seeing;
