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Author Topic: Geddrins' Armour and Shields Supplies....  (Read 72 times)


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Geddrins' Armour and Shields Supplies....
« on: February 26, 2006, 07:49:07 pm »
Ifn 3000 gold be too much fer yer purse fer a set o coppa plate then I be ya dwarf, I gots me 4 suits of Full Plate so far and kin make more given tiome, Also fer the druids and rangers I gots me a set o Cougar Arma. Also have a coppa Tower shield i'll throw in wiff the first buyer o me plate, second buyer gets a copper kiteshield.
Plate - 2000 / 1500 fer kin (4 sets)
Cougar Leather - 1000

Ifn ye want anyfin made lioke half plate or plate and ye want to save gold even further then discuss a trade agreement wiff me when ye be seeing meh. Acceptable trades will include skelly bonez, loads* o coppa, Holy water, loads* o tin and weapun molds cause i wanna git meself inta makin them soon too.
(*fer your information lets consider a load ta be 20 nuggets.)

Also ifn ye new and got a gud strong arm liokes then ifn ye bring me nuggets o tin and/or coppa i will pay ye 200 gold per 20 and i will only accept em in lots o 20 so no 15 and be spectin 150 golds. Bonuses o goods fer regular suppliers. HAR!
Geddrin Swifthammer, Hammer o Dorand The Master Crafter and Priceless Gem.


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Re: Geddrins' Armour and Shields Supplies....
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2006, 08:58:06 pm »


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Re: Geddrins' Armour and Shields Supplies....
« Reply #2 on: March 01, 2006, 01:19:48 pm »