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Author Topic: Failes handbag shoppe  (Read 226 times)


Failes handbag shoppe
« on: December 13, 2005, 05:54:00 am »
*************pinned up inside the crafthalls around mistone**************************

   I, Faile have come across items and made some myself that i wish to sell, please take a look and i hope there is something you can use.

Iron dwarven waraxe
necklaces of barkskin
rings of natural splendor I


RE: Failes handbag shoppe
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2005, 05:59:00 am »
[orange]*in the smallest handwriting that is possibly seen*  Miss Faile,   I am interested in the Mage Armour if you have one in halfling size and it isn't too expensive. I will check this notice in a few days to see your price.   Thank you,  Piper Hotfingers


RE: Failes handbag shoppe
« Reply #2 on: December 13, 2005, 06:37:00 am »
*Another note is attached*

Miss Faile, I am interested in the exceptional belt of cunning and maybe a necklace of Barkskin... Please Meet me in Hlint when you have time. I can be found usually in the Wild surge at the last table.

*signed Trysk Yaeger*


RE: Failes handbag shoppe
« Reply #3 on: December 13, 2005, 07:05:00 am »
*a message is delivered to piper hotfingers via a hummingbird. It drop the parchment on her head. It reads*

To Piper Hotfingers, the lesser mage armour mentioned is at a small price of 1500 gold, its has never been worn, and i can shorten it to a desired fit. Thank you for your interest.

    Signed Faile.



RE: Failes handbag shoppe
« Reply #4 on: December 13, 2005, 07:18:00 am »
[orange]*Piper swats madly at the hummingbird half horrified, casts a colour spray at it then realizes the note on her head with a slight oops she reads it and beams then runs to the craft house to add another note* Miss Faile,  My friend Turnip will be watching for you and will let me know when you are around this sign to make the trade. He is a little Ice Mephit, so don't mind him too much, just dont pinch his cheeks and he will behave.  Thank you!!  Piper Hotfingers

