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Author Topic: Aloe for sale  (Read 67 times)


Aloe for sale
« on: August 14, 2006, 06:37:02 pm »
*A note on a piece of crumpled parchment is tacked on a board of similar notices*

"Two boxes of Aloe, for which I have no immediate use - besides the obvious that is.  I'm looking for 1000 a box, but I'll go as low as 900 each if someone would care to buy them both at once.  Further such boxes may be made available, an' interest is shown.

- Timulty Keel, Evoker"

*The poster pulls his hood up against the rain, and leaves back into the stormy evening.*


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Re: Aloe for sale
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2006, 07:04:02 pm »

I will take these two cases of Aloe off your hands, let us meet and discuss the exchange
